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  1. Dictionary


    • 1. plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought: "a training programme should be devised"
    • 2. leave (something, especially real estate) to someone by the terms of a will.


    • 1. a clause in a will leaving something, especially real estate, to someone.

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  2. 2) Tell the router to use this controller: devise_for :users, controllers: { sessions: "users/sessions" } 3) Copy the views from devise/sessions to users/sessions. Since the controller was changed, it won't use the default views located in devise/sessions. 4) Finally, change or extend the desired controller actions.

  3. Sep 30, 2010 · 44. I'm trying to get Custom Routes working in my Rails application (Ruby 1.9.2 with Rails 3). This is my config/routes.rb file. get "/login", :to => "devise/sessions#new" # Add a custom sign in route for user sign in. get "/logout", :to => "devise/sessions#destroy" # Add a custom sing out route for user sign out.

  4. Feb 1, 2017 · There are many commands that devise provides.. rails generate devise:install - will create config/devise.rb. rails generate devise User - will create db/migration-file-for-user-model which commented code,which you can uncomment,if you need other modules..such as confirmable, omniauth etc. rails generate devise:views - will create all views in ...

  5. May 6, 2021 · I am back again with my ctrlpanel application. I have it 100% working in development and went through the process to get it loaded up to Heroku and got the app up, gems installed. DB is there (most...

  6. Jul 11, 2011 · 14. Using rails g devise:views User allows you to customize when you have more than one role. the proper way to do this is going into your devise.rb in config/initializer/ folder. and uncommenting and setting config.scoped_views = true. now you can edit the view erb files without any problems.

  7. Jun 27, 2020 · In Rails 6, previews are added to the autoload paths only if options.show_previews is true, which is not by default in the production environment.

  8. Oct 6, 2016 · Devise can become a bit buggy later on in the process when using it for API-authentication. Then for your authorization you could use Pundit . You might want to use Regulator next to it for controller namespaced authorization polices (it's not under development anymore, but it does the job).

  9. Feb 6, 2017 · Im using Devise 1.3.4 with Ruby On Rails 3.0.7. After checking out the internet for a solution, what i did was simply pasting the following code. * first) *To redirect after a succesful sign up to the welcome page,place in /config/routes.rb the following (note, replace :user with the argument you provided to devise_for): namespace :user do.

  10. In controllers, current_user alone will return the current signed in user. So will return the email of the signed_in user. For non-signed in users, current_user will return nil. To print the current user email in controller, def example. p current_user.try(:email) # try is used because it will return nil if the user is signed ...

  11. When you define: devise_for :users You tell devise to define a Devise::Mapping instance. When you go to users/sign_in devise get this mapping instance with users part of the URL. This mapping object is used to get an User instance: def resource instance_variable_get(:"@#{resource_name}") end where resource_name is