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  1. Read through the various eligibility conditions to find out whether you can apply to purchase a 2-room Flexi flat. If the 2-room Flexi flat is near your current home or married child, you can request for the Senior Priority Scheme (SPS).

  2. If you are aged 55 and above and are looking to buy a short-lease 2-room Flexi flat, or aged 65 and above and are looking to buy a Community Care Apartment (CCA), please refer to the section on seniors.

  3. Oct 19, 2023 · For the 2-room Flexi scheme, Singaporeans are allowed to apply for it even if they have previously used up their two chances. However, they can only opt for the short-lease option offered under the scheme and have to pay a resale levy adjusted from $30,000 depending on the length of the lease.

  4. Aug 19, 2015 · The new 2-room Flexi Scheme will offer flexibility to accommodate different buyers and allow choice of lease and fittings. It will also support inclusive living.

  5. Sep 27, 2023 · The Housing Board will launch up to 14,000 two-room flexi Build-To-Order (BTO) flats over the next three years to meet demand from singles and the elderly, said National Development Minister Desmond Lee.

  6. Mar 16, 2022 · HDB 2-room Flexi BTO flats are available at almost every BTO launch in Singapore. Here is a guide on who 2-room BTO flats are built for, 2-room Flexi design layout, and HDB resale flat listings to browse.

  7. This scheme helps seniors who wish to buy a 2-room Flexi flat to age-in-place in a familiar environment or live near their parents/ married child, by improving the seniors’ chances when they ballot for a flat.

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