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  1. A free Git client for Windows and Mac. Sourcetree simplifies how you interact with your Git repositories so you can focus on coding. Visualize and manage your repositories through Sourcetree's simple Git GUI.

  2. Install and set up Sourcetree. Install Sourcetree; Connect your Bitbucket or Github account; Clone a remote repository; Create a local repository; Add an existing local repository

  3. Version control and Sourcetree. Get an overview of version control and the role that Sourcetree plays.

  4. Sourcetree Download Archives. This page lists previous versions of Sourcetree available for download. Older versions may no longer be supported by Atlassian; please see our end-of-life policy for details.

  5. Apr 7, 2014 · SourceTree for Windows 1.5. By Kieran Senior on April 7, 2014. With SourceTree 1.4.0 for Windows released just a few weeks ago, we’re excited to announce that 1.5.0 is ready to go. We’ve been steadily playing catchup with the Mac version and we’re happy to ship some highly requested features.

  6. Jun 7, 2024 · Sourcetree is a powerful Git client that provides a graphical interface to manage your repositories. It's especially helpful for those who prefer a visual approach to version control over using the command line.

  7. Jul 14, 2017 · Via Sourcetree app: In Sourcetree, check the left pane for Remotes; Right click on it and select New Remote; Insert the link to your repo and click on OK. Once that's done, just do a Pull from your branch and commit your changes to the repo. Via Terminal (the easy way) cd /path/to/your/repo; git remote add origin https://remote_url_of_your_repo

  8. Apr 11, 2018 · Sourcetree effectively deals with 2 types of credentials, git/hg ones and REST ones, although they contain the same information. Ignoring Sourcetree for a second if you know the remote HTTPS URL to a private Bitbucket repository and try to clone it via the git command line, git will prompt you for a username/password.

  9. Apr 11, 2023 · 官网 SourceTree是一款免费的Windows和Mac可视化Git版本控制客户端工具。 SourceTree 拥有精美简洁的界面,大大简化了开发者与代码库之间的 Git 操作方式,让开发者更好的关注编码。

  10. Aug 29, 2023 · You can quickly master Git, Bitbucket and Sourcetree with a five-pronged approach to learning: Install Sourcetree and register for a Bitbucket account. Practice collaborative back-and-forth operations with Bitbucket. Master Sourcetree’s local Git history management features. Learn to create Git branches and merge code with Sourcetree.