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  1. A triad in close harmony has compact spacing, while one in open harmony has wider spacing. Close harmony or voicing can refer to both instrumental and vocal arrangements. It can follow the standard voice-leading rules of classical harmony, as in string quartets or Bach chorales, or proceed in parallel motion with the melody in thirds ...

    • The Definition of Harmony
    • Consonance and Dissonance
    • Close vs. Open Harmony
    • How Harmony Works
    • Summing Up Harmony

    In simple terms, harmonyis what occurs when more than one note is played or sung at the same time. This can be as an interval (two notes, also called a dyad), or chords of three or more notes. Check out our posts on intervals and chordsif you want to learn more about them. One way to think about harmony is that it deals with the “vertical” aspects ...

    Just because two simultaneous pitches produce harmony does not mean they sound harmonious together. Harmony is simply whatever sound they produce, and a harmonious sound means something pleasant or nice sounding. Harmony can be nice sounding — and the term for this is called consonance. However, it can also sound rough or irritating, which is what ...

    When playing a chord, you can play it in either what is called close or openharmony. Close harmony is, as it implies, when the notes of a chord are close together. So if you start with the rootof a chord(the note the chord is based on), then the next closest note you can play is the third above the root. From the third, the next closest note you ca...

    Most music you listen to is called tonal music, which means it’s music centered around a single tone, called the tonic note (see our post on scale degreesfor more info if you need it). In the key of C major or minor, the tonic note is the C, and the chord that is built on C (C major or C minor, respectively) is called the tonic chord. In tonal musi...

    Those are the basic elements of harmony! It is a very, very deep and detailed topic to get into, but we hope this was a helpful introduction. Harmony informs almost all of music theory and essentially is the basis of musical analysis for every type of music, from classical to jazz to pop music.

  2. Close Harmony is one of the most distinctive sounds in traditional country. The term refers to the keening two (occasionally three) part harmonies that acts like the Louvin Brothers and the Delmore Brothers popularized.

  3. The terms open and close in relation to harmony describe how close each note is within a cord in tonal music. In close harmony, all the notes are as close as possible. Open position chords are much more spread out to where the tonic could be more than an octave away from the other two notes in a chord.

  4. Closeharmony refers to when the notes are close together, while in ‘open’ harmony they are more spread out. Let’s use a Cmaj7 chord as an example. It has the notes C, E, G and B. If we stack these notes directly on top of each other, we create close harmony.

  5. Close Harmony is one of the most distinctive sounds in traditional country. The term refers to the keening two (occasionally three) part harmonies that acts like the Louvin Brothers and the Delmore Brothers popularized.

  6. Mar 30, 2023 · Harmony is defined as the science dealing with the structure of the chords, the relation among various chords, and their progressions. So, in a nutshell, it covers three main aspects: The chord structure with respect to the number of notes, their intervals, the principles of chord formation, etc.