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  1. Mar 12, 2014 · 1) It's "get scored on." The team with the ball scores, the team without the ball is scored on. 2) See 1. The "on" goes with "scored," not "more times." 3) To "score" with a woman is to have sex with her. Chandler is calling Joey's sister a slut. 3.5) The "little men" are the model players used in the foosball game.

  2. Jan 14, 2009 · There were little men who were sleeping under my bed last night but I didn't see them!! (I know it sounds bizarre. But what can one say?) Anyway here is my attempt Il y avait des lutins qui dormaient sous mon lit hier soir mais je ne les ai pas vu. I dont think this captures the essence of wha is meant. I think lutins is more in the sense of ...

  3. Feb 22, 2009 · Feb 17, 2009. #3. "A little man" is also an idiom for a petty man. You might want to be careful about the context. Little boys are sometimes lovingly referred to as "my little man." Little and small can be used interchangeably to describe the size of a man given the right context but it's more clear to use "short" or "thin."

  4. Nov 28, 2009 · I agree that "little man" would usually be seen as condescending. I think it's a pretty close equivalent to "little lady". ewie said: [I think any man (no matter how gentlemanly) who addressed a woman (however ladylike) as little lady in the UK, would receive a black eye.]

  5. Feb 9, 2015 · A dwarf is an extremely short adult who is less than 58 inches tall. The word midget is considered derogatory and offensive. Both words describe a short person, but refer to different physical characteristics and genetic conditions. "Midget" refers to a person who is very short, but normally proportioned.

  6. Oct 16, 2006 · Senior Member. Los Angeles, California. English, USA. Oct 13, 2010. #19. I've heard "you look a little rough around the edges" to mean unwell or even suffering from a hangover. "You're a little rough around the edges" would have the "unrefined" meaning for me but "You look..." changes the meaning for me.

  7. Jun 18, 2006 · Hola!! A ver si me podeís aclarar esto: Para contables: few: Pocos. a few:Algunos. Para incontables: little: Poco /s Poco, en singular, porque precisamente es incontable. (un poco de azúcar, un poco de paciencia, etc.) a little: Algun/os Algo, porque precisamente si es incontable no podés usar algunos.

  8. Jun 26, 2024 · The cadre of the John Birch society seems to be formed primarily of wealthy businessmen, retired military officers and little old ladies in tennis shoes. They are bound together by an obsessive fear of ‘communism,’ a word which they define to include any ideal differing from their own, even though these ideas may differ even more markedly with the ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Khrushchev.

  9. Dec 10, 2023 · I then stumbled on something contradicting that. Two questions follow: 1. Do, say, Beijingers sometimes use "nín men" (being more likely to use "nín" in general) while folks from other places where "nín" is less common default to the plural "nǐ men"? 2. Would "nín" and "nín men" be understood across Mandarin-speaking communities as an ...

  10. Apr 5, 2018 · Otherwise, The Guardian won't have reported this in 2016.’s little surprise that a new survey shows “bird” topping the list of “pet names” that British women would like banned from everyday use. It's definitely in use. Its resumed use seemed to appear alongside the backlash against political correctness.