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  1. › projectsProjects

    Welcome to a new age of biological alchemy. The works of OXMAN, The Mediated Matter Group, and Neri Oxman have been acquired by and featured in renowned museums around the world, including monograph exhibitions at The Museum of Modern Art and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

  2. oxman.comOXMAN

    OXMAN is accelerating systems-level change by fusing design, technology, and biology in a radical shift from human-centric design to Nature-centric design. Envision a future of complete synergy between Nature and humanity.

  3. › projects › silk-pavilion-iSilk Pavilion I

    Inspired by the silkworm’s ability to generate a three-dimensional cocoon out of a single silk thread, Silk Pavilion I was developed in 2013 and took form as a three-meter wide dome, constructed over three weeks with a flock of 6,500 live silkworms assisted by a robotic arm.

  4. › projects › aguahojaOxman

    Product. Standing five meters tall, Aguahoja I is an architectural pavilion composed of the most abundant biopolymers on our planet. Its layered structure, known as a bio-composite, is designed as a hierarchical network of patterns optimized for structural stability, flexibility and visual connectivity.

  5. › projects › totemsOxman

    The architectural proposal is part of a long-term project initiated by Ravi Naidoo of Interactive Africa and was first introduced by Neri Oxman and The Mediated Matter Group at Design Indaba, 2018. Color range indicates property combinations such as absorption spectra

  6. › careersCareers

    OXMAN is seeking individuals operating across scales and domains. Successful applicants embody stellar technical skills in their respective field(s), can self-direct, and demonstrate a unique “language” of computing (software) / fabricating (hardware) / growing (wetware), or a combination thereof.

  7. › companyOxman

    What we do. We invent multi-scale products and environments through radical ways of thinking and making that flow across hardware, software, and wetware. At this nexus, we unveil new knowledge and take on challenges that others consider impossible—allowing design to empower science and science to empower design.

  8. › missionMission

    OXMAN proposes the creation of design solutions by, for, and with Nature while advancing humanity. This holistic approach demands that we design across scales and kingdoms for systems-level impact.

  9. › projects › vespers-iVespers I

    Created in collaboration with Stratasys Ltd. for the New Ancient Collection. All images and videos courtesy of Neri Oxman and The Mediated Matter Group. Vespers I is a series of death masks produced using an innovative data-driven material modeling approach, combined with high-resolution bitmap 3D printing.

  10. › projects › man-nahataMan-Nahāta

    Man-Nahāta. A future of the city as an interface between built and grown environments. Christoph Bader, Anran Li, Nitzan Zilberman, David Franck, Grey Wartinger, Khoa Vu, Neri Oxman. Top-down master planning is braved by bottom-up- design in the place where the grid was once a garden.