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  1. Truly International Education for Expatriate Children in Shanghai.Ages 2-18. Achieving Excellent IB and IGCSE Results Via Our Outstanding Teaching Environment.

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  1. Shanghai Foreign Language School (SFLS, Chinese: 上海外国语学校) is a secondary school based in Shanghai, China providing education encompasses grades 6 through 12. Foreign language teaching is traditionally a specialty.

  2. 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校简称上外附中创办于1963年是周恩来总理亲自批示成立的七所外国语学校之一直属国家教育部被誉为培养外语外交人才的摇篮”。 近60年来,优良的教育品质、深厚的校园文化孕育和成就了以杨洁篪、王光亚、崔天凯、谢锋、沈蓓莉等为代表的一批批心系中华,放眼世界的优秀校友。 上外附中是初高中七年一贯制的完全中学,是上海市实验性示范性高中,是全国外国语学校工作研究会会长学校、理事长学校,是全国中小学外语教研示范学校。 学校办学宗旨:“服务祖国发展、服务人类进步”;校训:“自强、至诚、志远”;培养目标:“全面发展、外语见长、文理并举、高素质、复合型、国际型预备英才”。

  3. Feb 6, 2006 · A private school in China that offers the International Baccalaureate programme in English and Chinese. It has boarding facilities, mixed gender, and examinations in May and June.

  4. Designated and founded in 1963 by the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai, Shanghai Foreign Language School is among the first set of seven foreign language schools...

    • Things to Consider
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    The Chinese language might look impossible to learn, but nothing is impossible! Millions of people speak it and it is a globally important language.

    In Shanghai, you can learn Chinese at private language schools or at universities. Chinese universities offer only group courses for one or two semesters. If you are committed to learning for the long term, you will achieve good results at a Chinese university with their rigorous curriculum. Language schools, on the other hand, will offer shorter c...

    If you need total flexibility and aren’t ready for a physical classroom yet, an online platform like ChineseClass101is a great way to learn at home and yourself a head start. In person classes are best for some but if you are busy and need basic Chinese, language schools may be a good option in Shanghai. They can adapt to your schedule and have a m...

    If you want to become a master of Chinese, you can check the language courses at Chinese universities. Although they require a lot of discipline and are quite intensive, they are effective. There are top universities in Shanghai that offer Chinese language programs. They can also segue into a graduate or postgraduate degree if you want to pursue th...

    The courses at the private language schools will cost you more than the language courses at the universities. The average price for a one-semester language course at the university (five times per week, three hours per day) will cost you around 9,000 RMB. In comparison, the intensive 12-week course in a private school, thirty lessons per week, migh...

    It is really up to you, whether you want to have an individual or group class. Some people believe they can focus better in the 1 to 1 course. Others prefer group lessons, as it is more fun. Both options have advantages.

    The Chinese language is not as tough as it seems. Just give it a try. Learning from a native Mandarin speaker with experience in teaching will make things easier for you, there are good teachers and bad teachers everywhere, finding one to suit you is important so take advantage of those free trial lessons. University or a private school depends on ...

  5. 上海外国语大学是中国著名的高等外语学府秉承格高志远学贯中外的校训精神和诠释世界成就未来的办学理念致力于建成国别区域全球知识领域特色鲜明的世界一流外国语大学

  6. Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS) is a well-established international school, offering a progressive and international program with a multicultural and bilingual approach to education. The school has over 2400 students, aged 2-18,...