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  1. Jan 31, 2020 · Learn how to identify and assist slow learners who have difficulty learning, socializing, and developing at the same pace as peers. Find out the typical characteristics, causes, and tips to help them improve their skills and confidence.

    • Finn Robinson
    • People learn in different ways. My partner can glance at an instructive paragraph once, remember it perfectly, and sort everything out as needed. Contrarily, she’d have to be verbally told those same instructions half a dozen times for them to stick.
    • Bad and abusive teachers hinder the learning process. When the average “slow learner” is asked why they feel that label applies to them, they generally say that a parent or teacher told them so at some point.
    • Our thoughts create our reality. To build upon the “I’m slow, so why bother?” concept mentioned earlier, those who have been led to believe that they’re “slow” can often create self-fulfilling prophecies in that vein.
    • Most people have unrealistic expectations of what learning *should* look like. You know how we discussed that different people learn in different ways?
    • Teaching to the Slow Learners in Your Class. Repeat each learning point more than you normally would. Slow learners need to hear information a few times more than other students in order to understand it.
    • Facilitating Success in the Classroom. Schedule daily reading. Slow learners need a lot of reading practice. Schedule sustained, silent reading time for your students every day.
    • Supporting Your Child. Provide homework help for your child. Your child will benefit from homework help, guidance with studying, and subject-specific lessons.
    • Relax and Stay Calm. It’s tough to learn much of anything when you’re stressed out or upset about something, so learning how to relax and stay calm is vital to speeding up your learning.
    • Remove Distractions. It’s also extremely difficult for a slow learner to learn efficiently when surrounded by distractions. Extraneous noises and technology overload can get in our way when we’re trying to learn something new.
    • Eat Right. It may seem obvious, but there’s a direct link between proper nutrition and learning outcomes. Nutrient deficiencies can cause you to feel like you’re in a haze, which is a surefire recipe for slow learning.
    • Sleep. Another healthy way to boost your learning is to get plenty of sleep. When we sleep, our brains sort through our experiences from the day. Some synaptic connections erode while others are strengthened during sleep.
  2. Jul 21, 2023 · Teaching strategies like remedial teaching, active learning, peer tutoring, the use of audio-visual materials, motivation, and individualized resources can help in successfully teaching slow...

  3. Dec 15, 2023 · Learn how to use positive reinforcement and encouragement strategies to create a supportive learning environment for slow learners. Find out what verbal praise, non-verbal cues, rewards, and encouragement are and how to apply them effectively.

  4. Dec 14, 2023 · Learn how to teach slow learners in inclusive settings with differentiated instruction, active learning, remedial teaching, and positive reinforcement. Find out what slow learners are, why they need extra support, and how to help them achieve their potential.