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  1. Aug 30, 2024 · Apenpokken: Congolese regering reageert met mobilisatie en strategisch vaccinatieplan (CongoForum) KINSHASA – Op een briefing over het apenpokkenvirus (Monkeypox), gisteren, verklaarde Roger Kamba, de Congolese minister van Volksgezondheid, Hygiëne en Welzijn, dat de regering op een aantal gebieden wil reageren op de verspreiding van het virus.

  2. 482. Railroads in the Congo Free State. 483. ville, 75 miles; the navigable stretch of the Lualaba from Ponthier- ville to Kindu, I95 miles, on which steamers are now plying; the rail- road now building from Kindu to Kongola, 276 miles; and the river from Kongola to the head of navigation on the Lualaba, in southern Katanga, about 300 miles.

  3. by Yves Engler The mainstream media’s hypocrisy during the Olympics would be funny if it weren’t so ignorance-producing.So many words written or spoken about human rights violations, lip-synching, suppression of Tibet, taped fireworks, Communist dictatorship, evil Chinese nationalism and yet what about context?

  4. Mar 10, 2010 · By Peter LeeAn agreement between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and China in 2008 to swap 10 million tonnes of copper ore for US$9 billion worth of mine and civic infrastructure looked like a genuine win-win.

  5. Belgium finds herself in her relations with the Congo State. Annexation by Belgium appears to him the best solution because, as he says, it would free Belgium from an intolerable moral situa- tion. — Le PeupJe (Brussels). The Story of the Congo, one of the most complicated and aston- ishing of modern times, is told by Mr. Morel with a force and

  6. Jul 25, 2011 · Revisiting Bula Matari and the Congo Crisis: Successes and Anxieties in Belgium’s Late Colonial State; Categories. Actualités – English; Analyse et réflexion – English; Coopération – en. Echanges bilateraux – en; Developpement – en; Economie – en. Analysis – en; Investir en RDC – en; Monétaire – en; Fiche de la Belgique ...

  7. May 5, 2008 · DR Congo, including renegade troops loyal to cashiered general Laurent Nkunda who have refused to join DR Congo’s national army. Recent clashes in Lubero territory forced several thousand people to flee their homes, while the situation of both displaced people and returnees in the Masisi and Rutshuru territories

  8. Dec 15, 2008 · United Kingdom, 15 December 2008 (The Independent)—If Kagame doesn't rein in Nkunda, we should tell him we won't fund him. When United Nations experts revealed in a recent report the links between the Rwandan government and the forces of Laurent Nkunda, the Tutsi warlord of Eastern Congo, the Dutch government cut its direct budget support for Rwanda in protest. Should Britain do the same?

  9. Feb 11, 2009 · remain in [DR] Congo. I don’t know where he went but he remained somewhere with a few soldiers. "Our group was led by Dominic Ongwen [Kony’s deputy]. We were 30 and were attacked several times by UPDF [Ugandan People’s Defence Forces] soldiers. On 22 January in the afternoon, our group was attacked by

  10. Congo is important to the world market because it contains roughly a third of the world's cassiterite ore reserves and produces about 4% of the world's tin supply. Cassiterite was first discovered in the Kivus back in 1910, and by the 1940s, Congo was the world's 2 nd largest producer. However, infrastructure, including the state-owned

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