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  1. Lebih dari Uang Pertanggungan, Manfaat Tersembunyi Asuransi Jiwa. Find solution about banking, opening account, mortgage house and investing at BCA.

  2. Temukan solusi perbankan mulai dari pembukaan rekening, kartu kredit, buku tabungan hingga investasi dengan BCA.

  3. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, commonly known as Bank Central Asia (BCA) is an Indonesian bank founded on 21 February 1957. It is the largest private bank in Indonesia with an asset of Rp 1.029,83 trillion (USD 68,5 billion) as of 2022. It is headquarters at BCA Tower in Jakarta.

  4. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) is Indonesia’s largest lender by market value and the second largest bank by assets. The bank has experienced a remarkable recovery from the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s when the Indonesian banking system almost went bankrupt.

  5. Kurs yang dikenakan adalah kurs pada tanggal efektif transaksi. Kurs yang tertera merupakan nilai indikasi dan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu. Kurs e-Rate digunakan untuk transaksi melalui e-Channel. Temukan solusi perbankan Anda pada website Bank BCA.

  6. The exchange rate applied is the exchange rate on the effective date of the transaction. The exchange rates are indicative values and may change at any time. e-Rate is used for transaction through e-Channel. Finds your banking solution on BCA website.

  7. Bank Central Asia isone of the leading financial institution in Indonesia and its enviros company of the envato through its banking activities to contribute in overcoming the structural causes of poverty in banking industry.

  8. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (disingkat BCA) (IDX: BBCA) adalah bank swasta terbesar di Indonesia. Bank ini didirikan pada 21 Februari 1957 dan pernah menjadi bagian penting dari Salim Group . Sekarang bank ini dimiliki oleh salah satu grup produsen rokok terbesar keempat di Indonesia, Djarum .

  9. Bank Central Asia is an Indonesia's largest private bank that was founded in 1955. BCA has strong ties across many different Indonesian business sectors.

  10. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) is Indonesia’s largest lender by market value and the second largest bank by assets. The bank has experienced a remarkable recovery from the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s when the Indonesian banking system almost went bankrupt.

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