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  1. ファンタジー: fantasy [ˈfæntəsi, ˈfæntəzi] )は、超自然的、幻想的、空想的な事象を、プロットの主要な要素、あるいは主題や設定に用いるフィクション作品のジャンルである。

  2. › wiki › FantasyFantasy - Wikipedia

    Fantasy has often been compared to science fiction and horror because they are the major categories of speculative fiction. Fantasy is distinguished from science fiction by the plausibility of the narrative elements.

  3. ファンタジー漫画ファンタジーまんが: Fantasy comics )は、漫画のジャンルの一つ。 ファンタジー を題材とし、現実とは異なった空想世界を舞台としたり、または 魔法 や幻想的な要素を含んでいるものをいう。

  4. Fantasy literature is literature set in an imaginary universe, often but not always without any locations, events, or people from the real world. Magic, the supernatural and magical creatures are common in many of these imaginary worlds. Fantasy literature may be directed at both children and adults.

  5. Urban fantasy is most often a sub-genre of low fantasy (where magical events intrude on an otherwise-normal world) and/or hard fantasy (treating magic as something understandable and explainable), and works may be found in the sub-genres of horror, occult detective fiction, or the various "punk" genres.

  6. A fantasy world or fictional world is a world created for fictional media, such as literature, film or games. Typical fantasy worlds feature magical abilities.

  7. ファンタジー 超自然的幻想的空想的な事象をプロットの主要な要素あるいは主題や設定に用いるフィクション作品のジャンルである。 元は小説等の文学のジャンルであったが、現在はゲームや映画など他のフィクション作品を分類する際にも用いられる。

  8. Today, fantasy continues as an expansive, multi-layered milieu encompassing many subgenres, including traditional high fantasy, sword and sorcery, fairytale fantasy, and dark fantasy. Differences between fantasy and earlier fantastic works [ edit ]

  9. Fantasy, imaginative fiction dependent for effect on strangeness of setting (such as other worlds or times) and of characters (such as supernatural or unnatural beings). Examples include William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord

  10. Oct 1, 2021 · Untethered from scientific and societal laws, and limited only by their imaginations, fantasy authors explore themes by creating their own worlds, where dragons battle in the skies, alien diplomats try to maintain peace between planets, and strange creatures cohabitate Earth with humans.