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  1. Learn about the life and career of Mahmoud Abbas, the president of Palestine and the PLO chairman. Find out his background, achievements, controversies, and relations with Israel and Hamas.

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    Mahmoud Abbas (born 1935, Safed, Palestine [now in Israel]) Palestinian politician who served briefly as prime minister of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 2003 and was elected its president in 2005 following the death of Yasser Arafat. He was an early member of the Fatah movement and was instrumental in building networks and contacts that simulta...

    Abbas, born in the mixed Arab-Jewish town of Safed, Palestine [now in Israel], fled with his family to Syria during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Despite the family’s refugee status, Abbas earned a law degree from the University of Damascus. In the 1950s he joined Qatar’s civil service and began establishing a network of Palestinian individuals and groups. In 1961 Abbas was recruited by Yasser Arafat to become one of the early, key members of Fatah, which spearheaded the Palestinian armed struggle and came to dominate the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). As head of the PLO’s international department in the late 1970s, Abbas was instrumental in forging contacts with Israeli peace groups. In 1982 Abbas was awarded a doctorate in history after defending his dissertation at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow. That essay, which examined Nazism and Zionism, later was decried by Jewish groups as a work of Holocaust denial.

    In the early 1990s Abbas shaped Palestinian negotiating strategy both at the peace conference in Madrid (1991) and in secret meetings with the Israelis in Norway. Through the resulting Oslo Accords (1993), Israel and the Palestinians extended mutual recognition to each other, and Israel ceded some governing functions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the PA. Abbas was a senior member of the Palestinian delegation to the Camp David peace talks in July 2000. He opposed the violent Palestinian uprising known as the second intifada (Arabic: “shaking off”). In 2003, after intense international pressure, Abbas was installed as Palestinian prime minister as an effort to circumvent Arafat, who was considered an impediment to peace by Israel and the United States. As prime minister, Abbas denounced terrorism, called for an end to the intifada against Israel, and resolved to create a single Palestinian armed force, but he soon resigned from office, claiming he had been undermined by Israel, the United States, and Arafat.

    Following Arafat’s death in November 2004, Abbas was named head of the PLO. In January 2005 he easily won the election to succeed Arafat as president of the PA, garnering more than 60 percent of the vote. Though he was elected to a four-year term, he remained in office for much longer, as elections for his replacement were repeatedly put off. He fa...

    Abbas was forced to confront deep divisions within the Palestinian territories in 2006 after candidates backed by Hamas, a militant Islamic party, won a majority of seats in legislative elections. A short-lived Fatah-Hamas unity government gave way to violence, and in 2007 Hamas established exclusive control in the Gaza Strip while Abbas took control of the West Bank by presidential decree. Although several deals toward reconciliation were reached during Abbas’s presidency, reintegration was never fully implemented before rifts would reemerge.

    Amid ongoing tensions with Hamas, Abbas at times faced criticism for neglecting the Gaza Strip. During the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip in 2008, he was accused of being slow to condemn Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip despite being quick to blame Hamas for its role in the conflict. In 2017, as a reconciliation agreement with Hamas began to falter, Abbas imposed sanctions on the Gaza Strip, reinforcing more than a decade of sanctions against the territory imposed by Israel and Egypt.

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    Peace talks between Israel and the PA were renewed in November 2007, and direct negotiations continued into 2008. At the peak of these negotiations, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert—whose premiership was coming to an end amid a corruption scandal—offered Abbas more than 93 percent of the territory the Palestinians claimed in the West Bank, and both sides seemed to agree in principle on other key issues, such as the division of Jerusalem. Abbas was left without full details of the proposal, however, and refused to sign the deal on the spot. The following day, Tzipi Livni was elected to replace Olmert in party elections, but she was unable to form a coalition to become prime minister, and negotiations stalled as Israel went to early elections. Abbas participated in direct peace talks with Olmert’s successor, Benjamin Netanyahu, in 2010. Netanyahu refused to pick up where Abbas had left off with Olmert, however, and the talks quickly came to a halt after Netanyahu refused to extend a moratorium on the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

    Following the talks’ failure, Abbas shifted his efforts toward gaining international recognition for a Palestinian state. In September 2011 Abbas submitted a request to the United Nations Security Council asking for the admission of an independent Palestinian state to the United Nations. The action—which was opposed by Israel and the United States—had become necessary, he argued, because the U.S.-mediated peace negotiations had placed too little pressure on Israel to make concessions for peace.

    A year after the failure of the Palestinian bid for full membership in the UN, Abbas announced that he would seek the UN’s implicit recognition of Palestinian statehood by submitting a draft resolution to the General Assembly requesting that the status of the Palestinian mission to the UN (officially called Palestine within the UN) be upgraded from “permanent observer” to “nonmember observer state.” The designation, while falling short of full UN membership, would allow the Palestinians access to international bodies and treaties that might enhance the permanence and leverage of the PA. The resolution passed on November 29, 2012, with 138 countries in favour, 9 opposed, and 41 abstaining. The resolution also urged Israel and the Palestinians to resume stalled negotiations toward a two-state solution. Israeli officials opposed Abbas’s bid for recognition, saying that such unilateral actions by the Palestinians would hold up negotiations with Israel. In April 2015 the “State of Palestine” was admitted to the International Criminal Court.

    In September 2015 Abbas announced in a speech to the UN General Assembly that Palestinians were no longer bound by the Oslo Accords that he had helped negotiate, accusing Israel of having repeatedly violated the agreement. The practical effects of his declaration remained unclear, however, since he stopped short of naming specific actions to be taken, such as dissolving the PA or ending security coordination with Israel.

    Amid optimism that a new U.S. president might jump-start the peace process, Abbas and the PA welcomed the new president, Donald Trump, to the West Bank in May 2017. Trump, meanwhile, announced that his administration was developing an “ultimate deal” peace initiative. In December, however, relations between the PA and the United States were marred when the Trump administration announced that the U.S. embassy in Israel would move to the disputed territory of Jerusalem—a maneuver perceived by many as taking sides on one of the most contentious outstanding issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Abbas responded by saying that the PA would reject U.S. mediation and the forthcoming peace initiative. Relations continued to sour in 2018 as the United States, the largest donor of foreign aid to the Palestinians, began to cut funding to the PA and to other aid programs for the Palestinians. In September of that year, the United States ordered the closure of the Washington, D.C., office of the PLO, which served as the diplomatic representative of the PA to the United States.

    In January 2021, anticipating a chance to repair relations with the United States after the inauguration of Joe Biden as that country’s president, Abbas announced plans to hold parliamentary and presidential elections in May and July, respectively. Many observers believed that the plans were intended to shore up the Abbas-led government’s popular legitimacy while signaling the PA’s resolve to pursue a two-state solution. Biden, meanwhile, quickly restored some U.S. aid to the Palestinians and vowed to reopen the PLO office in Washington, D.C., thereby indicating his own commitment to the PA’s role in the peace process. In the lead-up to the elections, however, Abbas faced challenges within Fatah: seeking a rare opportunity for a change in leadership, prominent figures within the organization formed factions that were set to compete separately in the elections. In late April he announced that the elections would be delayed indefinitely because of concerns that Israel would prevent voting in East Jerusalem—a reason cited in the cancellation of elections in the past.

    Learn about the life and career of Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader who served as prime minister and president of the Palestinian Authority. Find out his role in the Oslo Accords, his relations with Israel and Hamas, and his challenges and achievements.

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  2. Nov 29, 2012 · Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, has led the Palestinian Authority since he was elected as its president in January 2005. But his term in office has been dogged by the deep schism...

  3. May 22, 2024 · Learn about the life and career of Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority since 2005. Find out how he rose to power in the PLO, signed the Oslo Accords with Israel, faced challenges from Hamas and Israel, and failed to achieve a two-state solution.

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  4. Oct 28, 2023 · Mahmoud Abbas is the president of the Palestinian Authority, the governing body that exercises partial control over the West Bank. Abbas is a member of the Fatah party, a group that has...

    • Emma Klein
  5. Dec 8, 2023 · Dec 8 (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday called for an immediate end to the war in Gaza and an international peace conference to work out a lasting political solution...

  6. Sep 21, 2023 · Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas denounced the Israeli "racist right-wing" government and its violations of international law and human rights. He called for an international peace conference, recognition of Palestine and a Nakba commemoration day.