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  1. Plautus: The Darker Comedies. The Senex Amator in Plautus. Aspects of Plautus' Originality in the Asinaria. Plautus' Plotting: The Lover Upstaged. The Third Deception in Bacchides. Further Reading ...

  2. Influence. Plautus’s comedies were extremely popular in Rome and were revived hundreds of years after his death. Both Molière (L’Avare, pr. 1668; The Miser, 1672) and William Shakespeare (The ...

  3. The Pot of Gold is a play by Plautus. It is a comedy about a man who tries to hoard his wealth and the various people who attempt to steal it from him. Euclio’s household god reveals to him the ...

  4. Sep 5, 2023 · Pseudolus was written by Titus Maccius Plautus and is one of the oldest plays that survives from ancient Rome. The play begins with a warning that it’s long. After that, the story opens with two ...

  5. Sep 5, 2023 · Amphitryon and his slave Sosia are returning to their native city of Thebes following a long period fighting a war abroad. While he was away, the god Jupiter, struck by the beauty of Amphitryon's ...

  6. Summary. Hegio is a wealthy Aetolian who many years before lost a son, Tyndarus, when a runaway slave named Stalagmus carried the boy off at the age of four years. Later, during a war with Elis ...

  7. Plautus’s material has been a gold mine for William Shakespeare, Molière, Henry Fielding, and others who have done unto Plautus as he did unto his Greek sources. Plautus, or Plautine material ...

  8. Plautus c. 254 B.C-184 B. C. (Full name Titus Maccius Plautus.) Plautus was one of ancient Rome's most popular playwrights. Of the roughly one hundred and thirty comedies attributed to him in ...

  9. Summary. Daemones, an old Athenian exiled from Athens, has come to Cyrene to spend his waning years. He is a kindly man, and his exile has come about as a result of his excessive generosity to ...

  10. The Menaechmi is a comedic play about mistaken identity, a misplaced twin, and the turbulent relationship between an unhappy husband and his unhappier wife. As the play begins, a professor and ...