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  1. Feb 13, 2017 · 2/13/17 7:10 AM. Tried making some .apk payloads but every single one I made is not working properly. I tried making payloads and remaking original .apk files using msfvenom. When I try to install it it says: Parse error: There is problem parsing the package. I also tried it using some ruby script but same problem occurred.

  2. Dec 27, 2015 · lol thanks i removed the star and had the same trouble I don't no if this is the reason but I tried any online hash cracker and it was 9 characters long I don't no how accurate these online hash crackers are but I tried three of them two you have to pay for but they said the length of the password is 9 characters and the last one cracked it and gave me a nine character word....thanks for your ...

  3. Apr 18, 2017 · Thank You for this!!!! I have been wondering why my images were not working , and out of ALL the solutions I looked at, like the popular (mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /cdrom) which never worked, I was convinced that there was something wrong with my imaging process and you found it " in rufus USE DD not ISO" and honestly I am kinda ashamed that I was moving so fast that I let that slip by me,,well ...

  4. Jul 15, 2016 · You’re Taking Screenshots Wrong — Here Are Better Ways to Capture Your iPhone’s Screen Keep Your Night Vision Sharp with the iPhone’s Hidden Red Screen Your iPhone Finally Has a Feature That Macs Have Had for Almost 40 Years If You Wear Headphones with Your iPhone, You Need to Know About This

  5. Feb 27, 2016 · By Giorgos Gianakakis. 2/27/16 5:30 AM. Hello I would like to hack a hotmail account. How can I do this? The only thing I know is the victim's email, and some info to create a dictionary...The problem is that I cannot do this with hydra. I have tried many times but it's impossible...any other way? thanks.

  6. Jan 27, 2012 · But if that isn't an option, here's how to make it: Fill a jar with water. Add a tablespoon of salt to the water. Wrap separate wires around the positive and negative ends of the 9v battery. Stick both wires in the water and see which one makes more bubbles. Take the wire that makes more bubbles and wrap the exposed part to something metal ...

  7. Oct 14, 2015 · While password cracking and WPS setup PIN attacks get a lot of attention, social engineering attacks are by far the fastest way of obtaining a Wi-Fi password. One of the most potent Wi-Fi social engineering attacks is Wifiphisher, a tool that blocks the internet until desperate users enter the Wi-Fi password to enable a fake router firmware update.

  8. Aug 9, 2019 · Phishing is the easiest way to get your password stolen, as it only takes one mistake to log in to the wrong website. A convincing phishing site is key to a successful attempt, and tools to create them have become intuitive and more sophisticated. SocialFish allows a hacker to create a persuasive phishing page for nearly any website, offering a web interface with an Android app for remote control.

  9. Aug 20, 2012 · You’re Taking Screenshots Wrong — Here Are Better Ways to Capture Your iPhone’s Screen Keep Your Night Vision Sharp with the iPhone’s Hidden Red Screen Your iPhone Finally Has a Feature That Macs Have Had for Almost 40 Years If You Wear Headphones with Your iPhone, You Need to Know About This

  10. Aug 9, 2019 · One of the most exciting things as an ethical hacker, in my opinion, is catching a reverse shell. But often, these shells are limited, lacking the full power and functionality of a proper terminal. Certain things don't work in these environments, and they can be troublesome to work with. Luckily, with a few commands, we can upgrade to a fully interactive shell with all the bells and whistles.