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  1. Jun 11, 2004 · Dr Wayne Dyer is on tonight and he was going on about always keeping the correct sort of "energy" around you. He gave a bizarre example of his son listening to a rap cd. To prove that this CD had negative energy he compared it to a source of positive engergy, that being a organic banana.

  2. Jan 13, 2013 · On July 20,1990, Alabama Assistant Attorney General Ed Carnes sent a memo to all capital-punishment states questioning Leuchter's credentials and credibility. Carnes stated that not only were Leuchter's views on the gas-chamber process 'unorthodox' but that he was running a shakedown scheme.

  3. Welcome to the International Skeptics Forum, where we discuss skepticism, critical thinking, the paranormal and science in a friendly but lively way.

  4. Then there is the "Lewis Carroll theory" - Adams celebrating Carroll's use of the number in Alice in Wonderland. In the book, there is Rule 42 which says that anyone taller than a mile must leave the court immediately. That becomes a problem for Alice when she eats some mushrooms.

  5. James Randi is a great debunker of psychics & mediums - NOT !!! He lied about debunking Nina Kulagina , he said she used threads - this theory was already found by other researchers to be impossible way back in the sixties !!! She could move the objects when they were placed under a glass cube .

  6. Join Date: Feb 2008. Posts: 57. David Icke, the Olympics and, er, Boxcar Willie. From the Daily Mirror :-. David Icke says Opening Ceremony was a secret Satanic ritual. Conspiracy theorist believes Olympic bell operates on same frequency as reptile devil-worshippers descended from an alien lizard race. TV host turned conspiracy theorist David ...

  7. Conservative Russian Orthodox ideas of spiritual warfare, in which the West is depicted as literally demonic, have become incorporated into the Russian state’s own vocabulary—and mixed with the country’s enthusiasm for psychic pseudoscience. The article goes onto detail some of Russia's modern research into PSI.

  8. Dec 16, 2023 · Page 55- Bigfoot Follies: part trois General Skepticism and The Paranormal

  9. May 9, 2003 · Israel funded terrorist group Hamas USA Politics. International Skeptics Forum » General Topics » USA Politics

  10. Recycling characters: when the author writes too many books and starts bringing the same characters back repeatedly but gives them different names and maybe a slightly different physical description.