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  1. Lotus on Water is a leading authentic fengshui gallery in Singapore, founded by Master Yun Long Zi, the 6th generation fengshui master in his family. It offers premium fengshui jewelry, painting, jadeite, agarwood, sandalwood and more.

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  2. Mar 4, 2010 · New Member. Just to share my experience.. I choose my kids' chinese names, and asked my fortune teller to check which chinese characters will fit best for them. He took into into consideration the date/time of their birth, meaning of the words, the number of strokes, etc.

  3. 全球华人金莲花大使新加坡云龙子旺财馆创始人。 他创造性地将中华传统易经风水文化融于现代绘画艺术,独创出风水画作,在全球范围内享有崇高的声誉。 云龙子:“我希望有一天,全世界的小孩子、少年人所认识的不止是西班牙的毕加索,荷兰的梵高,及意大利的达芬奇,也要认识一个中文名字的中国艺术家。 家学渊博,出身风水世家. 云龙子出身于风水世家,同时又是书香门第。 其外祖父是福建永定著名的风水师,其外祖母的二伯杨芷芗先生则是清朝广东大浦有名的秀才,曾受清政府委派到马来西亚槟城担任特派领事。 云龙子出生以后,由于父母工作繁忙,便自幼跟随外祖父生活。 “我外祖父在马来西亚北方一带非常出名,我小时候还经常有人慕名而来,央求我外祖父帮忙勘探风水。 ”云龙子自幼便对外祖父的工作非常感兴趣,经常帮外祖父服务客户。

  4. Lotus On Water | 云龙子旺财馆, Singapore. 1,503,768 likes · 284 talking about this · 9,674 were here. A majestic lifestyle of prosperity with elegance. Prosper...

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  5. Master Yun Long Zi is the 6th generation fengshui master in his family. Inheriting the wisdom and knowledge from his predecessors, Master Yun founded Lotus on Water Feng Shui Gallery in 2006.

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  6. Aug 4, 2024 · After the magnificent Great Wall fengshui calligraphy exhibition, Master Yun celebrated his 51st birthday at Lotus on Water with beloved clients, as we appreciate the grandson versions of the ...

    • 2 min
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    • Lotus On Water | 云龙子旺财馆
  7. Apr 7, 2024 · Master Yun Long Zi is the 6th generation fengshui master in his family. He is the founder of the art style “Celebrationism”, and is also the first and only artist to be invited to exhibit artworks on the Great Wall of China (year 2020 and 2023).

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