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  1. Since 2015 it has been managed and updated by Thomas Quigley (Brahms Bibliographer, Vancouver, Canada). Thank you, Mary, for all your work on behalf of Brahms. Most recent update to the site was in February 2021.

  2. Johannes Brahms ( 7. května 1833, Hamburk – 3. dubna 1897, Vídeň) byl německý hudební skladatel, klavírista a dirigent. Ve své tvorbě usiloval o syntézu starších kompozičních forem z období klasicismu a romantismu. Bývá považován za dovršitele díla Ludwiga van Beethovena.

  3. Johannes Brahms, nemški skladatelj in pianist, * 7. maj 1833, Hamburg, Nemčija, † 3. april 1897, Dunaj, Avstrija.. Brahms je odraščal kot sin kontrabasista, kasneje pa je navezal prijateljstvo s skladateljem Robertom Schumannom in tudi po njegovi smrti ostal v tesnih stikih z njegovo vdovo, pianistko Claro Wieck Schumann, ki je postala njegova zaupnica in svetovalka.

  4. The 20 best violin pieces ever written. ‘You still got it!’ – 90-year-old John Williams casually plays Brahms concerto during recording session. Williams. Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) was a German composer and pianist and is considered a leading composer in the Romantic period. His best known pieces include his Academic Festival Overture ...

  5. Johannes Brahms. Johannes Brahms (* 7. máj 1833, Hamburg, Nemecko - † 3. apríl 1897, Viedeň, Rakúsko-Uhorsko) bol nemecký hudobný skladateľ. Je považovaný za jedného z najvýznamnejších hudobných skladateľov, s rozsiahlym a vzácne vyrovnaným dielom vysokej kvality. Je označovaný za predstaviteľa klasicko-romantickej syntézy.

  6. Meet Johannes Brahms, the Janus-like face of Romanticism. Get to know all the great composers with BBC Music's insightful online guides

  7. Johannes Brahms (7th May 1833–3rd April 1897) was a composer of the Romantic period. Born in Hamburg, Germany, he eventually settled in Vienna, Austria. Brahms wrote a number of major works for orchestra, including two serenades, four symphonies, two piano concertos, a Violin Concerto, a Double Concerto for violin and cello, and a pair of orchestral overtures, the Academic Festival Overture ...