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  1. 去下载</a> </div> </div> </div>. 免费下载网易云音乐iPhoneiPadAndroidPC版客户端。. 手机版及电脑版无限免费下载320K高品质音乐。. 囊括百万无损SQ音乐,你在用手机听歌时,也能感受到纤毫毕现的CD音质,更能免费离线收听,更能免费离线收听。.

  2. NetEase Cloud Music is an innovative music streaming platform that offers users access to an expansive library of songs completely free of charge. This app, often compared to a free Chinese Spotify, provides unrestricted access to a plethora of songs spanning various genres and periods.

  3. 提供 App 内购买项目. iPad 截屏. 超过8亿用户推荐,口碑爆棚的音乐APP! 超清音质、优质歌单、自动智能推荐音乐、海量逗趣乐评、精致视觉交互…尽在网易云音乐! 【千万曲库超全华语欧美日韩电音ACG古风等超全音乐种类广泛涵盖陈奕迅薛之谦林俊杰王菲李荣浩邓紫棋等热门歌手新歌. 【精准推荐】备受赞誉的的算法,自动推荐你可能感兴趣的新歌,比你更懂你; 【超清音质】每首歌曲都拥有令人惊叹的CD音质; 【精彩歌单】首创歌单作为核心架构,4亿歌单库,满足你跑步、学习、工作、聚会等场景各种听歌需求. 【趣味乐评】行业首创,每首歌下乐评超热闹,3亿人一起写、一起看,趣味段子、故事、情感……乐评看了就停不下来; 【热闹动态】热热闹闹的音乐社区,与志同道合的朋友相见恨晚;

  4. Nov 15, 2018 · In this post, we look at NetEase Music – the most popular music app in China, and very similar to Spotify. The name of the app in Chinese is 网易云音乐.

  5. 全新适配Mac OS新色调新体验装点你的Mac和你的音乐世界!. 功能全面升级,云音乐特色功能同步登陆。. 心动模式/云盘搜索/评论查看/等等等等...带来与众不同独领风骚的新鲜感!. 和超6亿人一起听歌,分享,推荐你爱的音乐和9亿多条有趣故事!. 2300万+曲库 ...

  6. Jun 15, 2015 · Just like Spotify, NetEase Music lets you search, save, and download any song from their catalog. You'll also have the ability to sync your playlists and favorite tracks across all your mobile devices and their web interface by creating a free NetEase account.

  7. Sep 1, 2010 · NetEase Cloud Music is an app to stream music and download songs to your device's memory. The best thing about it is that it lets you do this with thousands of songs, all completely free. NetEase Cloud Music is something like a free Chinese Spotify that gives unlimited access to almost any song you can imagine.