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  1. In case you’re new to this, here’s a brief description of what you’ll see in this online I Ching: The I Ching consists of 64 hexagrams and the various words and images associated with each one. A hexagram is just a stack of six lines – either broken. or solid. Combining these two different kinds of line in groups of six, you get 64 ...

  2. Mar 26, 2024 · I Ching, also Yi Jing or The Book of Changes, is thought to be the oldest and most abstruse classic in Chinese history. Reputedly, it originated with Fu Xi, who is a mythical sovereign being the first of the three primogenitors of Chinese civilization. It is also called Zhou Yi reputedly because it is not until the Western Zhou Dynasty that the ...

  3. May 21, 2024 · I-Ching or Yi-Ching. Also called: Zhou Yi. Yijing, an ancient Chinese text, one of the Five Classics ( Wujing) of Confucianism. The main body of the work, traditionally attributed to Wenwang (flourished 12th century bc ), contains a discussion of the divinatory system used by the Zhou dynasty wizards. A supplementary section of “commentaries ...

  4. The I Ching, or the ancient Chinese Book of Changes is the oldest divination oracle still in use today. The core of the I Ching are its 64 hexagrams, each composed of six lines. Each horizontal line has either a broken and unbroken state, allowing for a total of 64 possible combinations. - Eight I Ching hexagrams shown.

  5. The Yi Jing ("Book of Changes" or "Classic of Changes" (often spelled I Ching) is the oldest of the Chinese classic texts, and is notable for describing an ancient system of cosmology, philosophy and divination that is at the heart of many Chinese cultural beliefs. While the text has existed in some form for over two thousand years, it truly ...

  6. Feb 25, 2016 · The I Ching has served for thousands of years as a philosophical taxonomy of the universe, a guide to an ethical life, a manual for rulers, and an oracle of one’s personal future and the future of the state. It was an organizing principle or authoritative proof for literary and arts criticism, cartography, medicine, and many of the sciences, and it generated endless Confucian, Taoist ...

  7. I Ching is one of the oldest books of Ancient China. It contains 64 hexagrams and texts on how to understand them in the case of divination. You find links to all of the hexagrams and their divinatory texts below. Hexa in hexagram means six, which refers to the six lines that form a hexagram. Each of these lines can be solid or broken.

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