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  1. Easily convert text between different letter cases: lower case, UPPER CASE, Sentence case, Capitalized Case, aLtErNaTiNg cAsE and more online.

  2. The Easy Way To Convert Text Between Upper Case, Lower Case and Sentence Case. This easy-to-use Case Conversion Tool is designed to allow you to convert blocks of text into any case, which you can then export to a text file or simply copy and paste back to your own document.

  3. Our online case converter seamlessly switches text between uppercase, lower case, and sentence case - making formatting easy. Instantly transform text to fix caps lock mistakes, properly format titles, or clean up text.

  4. Convert text between different cases - lower, UPPER, Sentence, Title, Capitalised, aLtErNaTiNg and more.

  5. Quickly change word case with this online case converter. Convert text to: upper, lower, title, alternate, kebab, pascal, camel & snake case.

  6. Discover effortless text case conversion with Any Case Converter. Instantly switch between UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title Case, and more, making your text formatting tasks more Easy.

  7. The tool will convert the text entered by the user to sentence case by capitalizing the first letter of the first word in each sentence and lowercasing all other letters. For example, the user enters the text “The slow brown fox jumps over the big dog. the mouse sat on the mat.”.

  8. Free online case converter tool that you can use to change cases from uppercase to lowercase and vice-versa online.

  9. Our easy-to-use tool will allow you to convert huge blocks of text to a preferred case (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, sentence case, etc.) in a matter of seconds. Simply bookmark the Case Converter for easy access and then when needed use it to edit your documents.

  10. Convert text into any case, create text to upper case, lower case, sentence case, capitalized case, alternating case, title case, and inverse case.