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  1. Year-of-the-Dog People's 2024 Monthly Horoscope. In popular Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign's horoscope and monthly predictions are dated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. As such, Dogs, your 2024 horoscope starts on February 10th, 2024 (Chinese New Year) and ends on January 28th, 2025 (Chinese New Year's Eve).

  2. Jul 18, 2013 · All about the Year of the Dog! Year of the Dog in the Chinese zodiac. 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. The personality of the Dog in Chinese astrology. Loyal and sweet, the Dog is an elegant soul who keeps it real, no matter how fussy she looks. Like an eager pup, this sign responds to praise and attention and knows how to court it.

  3. Jun 12, 2021 · As a result, the Monkey became eleventh. Learn more about the 2021 horoscope from the Chinese New Year. The Dog is associated with the Earthly Branch (地支—dì zhī) xū (戌), and the hours of 07:00-09:00 in the evening. In terms of yin and yang (阴阳—yīn yáng), the Dog is yang. Dogs are the most loyal friends and honest partners.

  4. Dogs and the 5 elements Metal DogsYears 1910 and 1970. Metal dogs are very committed in all they do whether it involves work or relationships. Expectations are high, both for themselves and others. Water DogsYears 1922 and 1982. Less independent, Water Dogs become more self-confident when they’re part of the pack.

  5. Traits of Chinese Zodiac Dog Depending on Elements. 1. Wood Dog. Those who are born in the Year of the Wood Dog communicate and behave well with others. They have a charming personality, liked by anyone interacting with them. Diligent and hardy, they finish what they have decided to do despite any obstacle.

  6. Years and types. There are five elements that give the Dog specific characteristics and personality traits beyond its symbol of wealth. The most recent years of the Dog include 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982 1994, 2006, 2018. After 2019, the next two years we will be 2030 and 2042. Independent, creative, protective.

  7. The honest Dogs are ready to defend the weak and helpless, listen and share the pain of others, and never put on an act. They are strong-willed, suit action to the word and consider the situation. But people born in the year of Dog can be confused, fragile, stubborn, indecisive and less independent. Chinese: 狗 (Gǒu) Earthly Branches: Xu (戌)

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