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  1. The Catholic Ten Commandments are a summary of "the conditions of a life freed from the slavery of sin" (Catechism, 2057). They must be understood in relation to the "law of love": Love of God and love of neighbor summarize all of Catholic morality.

  2. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. 1. I AM THE LORD THY GOD: THOU SHALT NOT HAVE STRANGE GODS BEFORE ME. COMMANDS: faith, hope, love, and worship of God; reverence for holy things; prayer. FORBIDS: idolatry; superstition; spiritism; tempting God; sacrilege; attendance at false worship. 2. THOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN.

  3. May 6, 2019 · The Ten Commandments are the summation of the moral law, given by God Himself to Moses on Mount Sinai. Fifty days after the Israelites departed from their slavery in Egypt and began their exodus to the Promised Land, God called Moses to the top of Mount Sinai, where the Israelites were camped.

  4. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church—the official exposition of the Catholic Church's Christian beliefs—the Commandments are considered essential for spiritual good health and growth, and serve as the basis for Catholic social teaching.

  5. SUMMARY OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. These are the ten precepts to which Our Lord referred when He said: "If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments" (Matt., xix. 17). There are two main principles of all the Commandments, namely, love of God and love of neighbor.

  6. Nov 4, 2003 · SECTION TWO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. IN BRIEF; CHAPTER ONE YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. Article 1 THE FIRST COMMANDMENT. I. "You Shall Worship the Lord Your God and Him Only Shall You Serve" II. "Him Only Shall You Serve" III. "You Shall Have No Other Gods Before ...

  7. In the three. synoptic Gospels, Jesus' call to the rich young man to follow him, in the obedience of a disciple and in the. observance of the Commandments, is joined to the call to poverty and chastity. 4 The evangelical counsels. are inseparable from the Commandments.