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  1. Trader Hornee is a 1970 sexploitation film and directed by Jonathan Lucas and starring Buddy Pantsari, Elisabeth Monica, John Alderman, and Christine Murray, and Deek Sills. Written and produced by David F. Friedman, it is an adult-oriented parody of the vintage safari movie Trader Horn (1931).

  2. Jun 18, 2021 · A private detective journeys to Africa to find a legenday white gorilla. The gorilla turns out to be an escaped Nazi war criminal.

  3. A private detective journeys to Africa to find a legenday white gorilla. The gorilla turns out to be an escaped Nazi war criminal.

  4. Private Detective Hamilton Hornee ["the e's are silent"] is hired by the Bank of Wabash to find the lost child of explorers who were slain in Africa by natives 15 years earlier. If the child is alive, she will be 21 years old and would inherit her father's multi-million-dollar estate.

  5. Private Detective Hamilton Hornee ("the e's are silent") is hired by the Bank of Wabash to find the lost child of explorers who were slain in Africa by natives 15 years earlier. If the child is alive, she will be 21 years old and would inherit her father's multi-million-dollar estate.

  6. Hired to find the missing daughter of zoologists slain two decades ago, detective Hamilton Hornee leads a sex-obsessed search party to Africa. After being captured by natives, Hornee discovers the tribe’s stunning leader may be the girl he seeks.

  7. Trader Hornee is a 1970 sexploitation film and directed by Jonathan Lucas and starring Buddy Pantsari, Elisabeth Monica, John Alderman, and Christine Murray,...