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  1. 1 day ago · Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British statesman, soldier, and writer who was twice Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, from 1940 to 1945 during the Second World War, and 1951 to 1955.

  2. 6 days ago · An intense patriot; a romantic believer in his country’s greatness and its historic role in Europe, the empire, and the world; a devotee of action who thrived on challenge and crisis; a student, historian, and veteran of war; a statesman who was master of the arts of politics, despite or because of long political exile; a man of iron constitutio...

  3. 3 days ago · 邱吉爾被認為是20世紀最重要的政治领袖之一其仕途涉足多个领域并历经两次世界大战 英國 、欧洲乃至於 世界 均影響深遠。 此外,他在 文学 上也有较高成就,曾於1953年获 诺贝尔文学奖 。 然而,他的 帝国主义 观点和 种族主义 言論饱受争议。 2002年,在 BBC 舉行的一個名為「 最偉大的100名英國人 」的調查中,邱吉爾位列榜首。 [1] 生平. 家族背景与早年生活(1874-1892) 童年时期的丘吉尔,摄于1881年。 童年的丘吉尔(右一)与母亲在一起。 作为一个著名贵族世家的后裔,丘吉尔的完整姓氏为「斯宾塞-丘吉尔」。 他的家庭是 斯宾塞家族 的一个分支,在18世纪晚期时才在姓氏后加入「丘吉尔」。 他们这样做是为了强调他们是 約翰·邱吉爾,第一代馬博羅公爵 的后裔。

  4. 6 days ago · Winston Churchill - WWII, Leadership, Politics: The Allied landings in North Africa necessitated a fresh meeting between Churchill and Roosevelt, this time in Casablanca in January 1943. There Churchill argued for an early, full-scale attack on “the under-belly of the Axis” but won only a grudging acquiescence from the Americans.

  5. Jun 6, 2024 · We know Winston Churchill as a hard-nosed, inspirational Prime Minister and leader who brought Britain through one of its toughest periods. How did that come to be?

  6. Jun 13, 2024 · The story and importance of Sir Winston Churchill is well known: laying at the core of the campaign of resistance against the Nazis, the British lion saved the free world.

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