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  1. › topics › circeCirce – Mythopedia

    Mar 8, 2023 · Circe was an immortal Greek goddess and sorceress, the daughter (in most accounts) of Helios and the Oceanid Perse and thus the sister of Aeetes and Pasiphae. She lived on the island of Aeaea, located on either the eastern or western edge of the world. Circe is perhaps best known for her role in the Odyssey, where she turns a few of Odysseus ...

  2. › topics › odysseusOdysseus - Mythopedia

    Apr 28, 2023 · Odysseus, son of Laertes and Anticleia, was a Greek hero and the king of the island of Ithaca. He married the beautiful princess Penelope and had one son by her, Telemachus. Described by Homer as the “man of twists and turns,” Odysseus was noted above all for his intelligence and cunning. He used these attributes to great effect during the ...

  3. Circe in vain invites the feast to share; Absent I ponder, and absorb’d in care; While scenes of woe rose anxious in my breast, The queen beheld me, and these words address’d: “‘Why sits Ulysses silent and apart, Some hoard of grief close harbour’d at his heart Untouch’d before thee stand the cates divine, And unregarded laughs the rosy wine.

  4. › topics › charybdisCharybdis - Mythopedia

    Mar 22, 2023 · The sorceress Circe had warned him that he was better off sailing close to Scylla and losing a handful of his men, rather than sailing too close to Charybdis and losing his whole ship and crew. Odysseus followed Circe’s instructions: as he sailed by Scylla, six of his men were snatched up and eaten (one for each of Scylla’s heads).

  5. Strait Circe reddens with a guilty shame, And vows revenge for her rejected flame. Fierce liking oft a spight as fierce creates; For love refus’d, without aversion, hates. To hurt her hapless rival she proceeds; And, by the fall of Scylla, Glaucus bleeds. Some fascinating bev’rage now she brews; Compos’d of deadly drugs, and baneful juice.

  6. › topics › medeaMedea – Mythopedia

    Nov 29, 2022 · Medea was also a descendant of the gods. Her grandfather was Helios, the Titan who personified the sun, and she was the niece of Circe, a minor goddess who was also a powerful magician. Given her pedigree, it is unsurprising that ancient sources were divided on whether Medea was an ordinary mortal or a divine being.

  7. Oct 10, 2022 · 喀耳刻(Circe)的名字来自希腊动词kirkoô,意思是“用环固定”或“箍住”——指的是魔法的约束力。. 从古希腊时代起,喀耳刻的名字就一直是巫术、诱惑和欺骗的代名词。. 她是一位以擅长变身、幻术和通灵术而闻名的女神。. 根据她的故事的一些版本,正是 ...

  8. Mar 1, 2023 · Circe initially transforms several of Odysseus’ men into swine, but she eventually restores them to their original form and even grants hospitality to Odysseus and his companions (Book 10). Attic red-figure lekythos (oil jar) showing Odysseus threatening Circe by the Nikon Painter (ca. 480–470 BCE)

  9. › topics › scyllaScylla - Mythopedia

    Sep 20, 2023 · Scylla was a nightmarish monster of obscure origins. The most common description gave her the body and head of a woman, six long serpentine necks (each ending in a mouth with three rows of teeth), twelve feet, and six dog heads growing out of her waist. Scylla lived in the cliffs on one side of a narrow strait, just opposite the whirlpool ...

  10. Argument The Sirene, Scylla, and Charybdis. He relates how, after his return from the shades, he was sent by Circe on his voyage, by the coast of the Sirens, and by the strait of Scylla and Charybdis: the manner in which he escaped those dangers: how, being cast on the island Trinacria, his companions destroyed the oxen of the Sun: the vengeance that followed; how all perished by shipwreck ...