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  1. Jesus urged us to pray: “Forgive us our debts.” (Matthew 6:12) Jesus thus likened sins to debts. (Luke 11:4) When we sin, we become “debtors” to Jehovah. Regarding the meaning of the Greek verb translated “forgive,” one reference work says: “To let go, give up, a debt, by not demanding it.”. In a sense, when Jehovah forgives, he ...

  2. Yes, God will forgive your sins if you take the proper steps. The Bible says that God is “ready to forgive” and that he “will forgive in a large way.” (Nehemiah 9: 17; Psalm 86:5; Isaiah 55:7) When he forgives us, he does so completely. Our sins are “blotted out,” or erased. (Acts 3: 19) God also forgives permanently, for he says ...

  3. The Bible’s Answer. Yes. The Bible can help us to deal wisely with feelings of guilt. (Psalm 32:1-5) If we have done something wrong but are truly sorry, God will forgive us and help us recover. (Psalm 86:5) The Bible shows that feelings of guilt can at times be beneficial—they can move us to correct a wrong course and to try harder to ...

  4. By means of Christ’s sacrifice, God freely forgives those whom he loves. The apostle John wrote: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins.” ( 1 John 1:9 ) Because of Jehovah’s forgiveness, people can continue to enjoy his friendship, and knowing this touches us deeply.

  5. Jesus asked him, as well as James and John, to keep on the watch while He prayed. Jesus was in emotional agony and in need of support, but Peter and the others fell asleep repeatedly. Jesus made this empathetic and forgiving observation: “The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak.”. — Mark 14:32-41.

  6. Jul 1, 2013 · We grow old because from Adam we have inherited sin and its penalty, death. — Read Genesis 5:5; Romans 5:12. For us to enjoy eternal life, we need someone to pay a ransom for us. (Job 33:24, 25) A ransom is the price paid to set one free, and in our case, we need to be freed from death. (Exodus 21:29, 30) Jesus paid the price when he died for us.

  7. The way he forgives, the way he forgets. Help me forgive freely.”. Forgive freely. 2. Trying my best to let it all go, But at times, it comes back to mind. I wish I could put all this behind. I realize that I can’t hold on. Forgiveness means you dont bring it back up.

  8. Confess your sin, be honest with the elders, and accept Jehovah’s loving help. 4. Jehovah shows mercy to sinners. If a person who has committed a serious sin refuses to follow Jehovah’s standards, he is removed from the congregation, and we do not socialize with him.

  9. The Watchtower of September 15, 1994, says: “When you do forgive a sinner, this does not mean that you are condoning the sin. For the Christian, forgiveness means trustfully leaving the matter in Jehovah’s hands. He is the righteous Judge of all the universe, and he will carry out justice at the right time.”.

  10. Colossians 3:13 urges us: “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same.”. Christian love “does not keep account of the injury,” observes 1 Corinthians 13:5.