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  1. Hagar will give birth to a son, named Ishmael, because "God has heard your cry." Hebrew names often reflect a statement of belief, and Ishmael's was to be no exception. It means, "God hears, or may God hear." His name will forever commemorate Hagar's plight and her need of God's help and God's response.

  2. Unlike Abraham, however, Hagar is an alien and a woman! She is the only woman ever to receive such a promise. She is the first person noted in the Bible to be visited by a divine messenger, and the first to be given a birth announcement. Unlike Abraham, who did as he was told without comment, Hagar bursts forth with a cry of joy and praise.

  3. Her husband would have an heir, and they would be taken care of by their child. (Sarna 119, 113) Perhaps Sarai was thinking along such lines and believed that giving her Egyptian maidservant, Hagar, to Abram was a way, or the only way, to give Abram the "offspring" God had promised him. Perhaps she was truly frustrated by being barren.

  4. Ishmael - Ishmael was Abraham's firstborn son. His mother was Sarah's handmaiden, Hagar. Lot - Lot is Abraham's nephew who chooses the land of Sodom because of it's apparent beauty and fertility. Melchizedek - Like Abraham, king Melchizedek believes in the supreme God who created all and given Abraham the victory.

  5. Hagar. By Mary Jane Chaignot

  6. Abraham (Genesis 16) By Mary Jane Chaignot. Sarah tells Abraham to impregnate her servant, Hagar, since she is barren. Hagar gets pregnant right away and Sarah immediately becomes jealous. Hagar flees but is stopped by an angel, who gives her hope and convinces her to return.

  7. Abraham (Genesis 21) After waiting almost twenty-five years, “the Lord, visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken.”. The birth of Isaac was a great event for Sarah, and it removed her perceived curse among the people. It restored her to good standing, and was evidence of her right relationship with God.

  8. Genesis 20: Abraham and Sarah in Gerar. By Mary Jane Chaignot. After the destruction of Sodom, Abraham decides to move farther south into the town of Gerar, located about halfway between Gaza and Beersheba. While there, Abraham once again says, “Sarah is my sister.”. So King Abimelech sends for her and takes her into his palace.

  9. Throughout this negotiation, Isaac is notably absent. We will find out at the end that he has settled in Beer-Laha-roi. This is where the angel of the Lord speaks to Hagar and tells her to return to Sarah. Apparently Isaac has been living there for some time, perhaps ever since the Akedah. Laden with gifts, the servant takes off. He does as he ...

  10. Abraham and His Family. Abraham is the tenth generation descendant from Noah's son Shem. Abram means "exalted father." Abraham means "father of many nations." Terah, Abraham's father, was a maker of idols. Abraham took a stand against idols in his youth. 1. Abraham and Sarah had the same father and father-in-law.

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