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  1. Sep 14, 2012 · Jim Ladd is a Radio institution I have loved his work since LAs 94.7 KMET, yes he rants but you should have heard him the night John Lennon was killed, thats one show i wish i had recorded, hes extremely knowledgeable and has interviewed to greats of rock & roll, Keep it Going Jim

  2. Nov 24, 2019 · If Jim Ladd or any other DJ on Deep Tracks continually spewed right-wing opinions, there would without doubt be plenty of complaints from the left. And I suspect they’d be far more venomous. Again, we come to the music channels for the music and to hear the DJs talk about the music they and we love.

  3. Feb 12, 2022 · Jim Ladd is the best DJ around- my radio is ALLWAYS on deep tracks -Love Jims show-It IS the music , no top 40 bs.-Such personality he has-IF you don't like his banter, then don't listen- the way i did when Rush Limbaugh was on fm-am radio-Just turn it off !

  4. Jun 28, 2014 · In fact, although my radio just about stays glued to DEEP TRACKS, when Jim Ladd is on I find myself changing the channel to CLASSIC VINYL or CLASSIC REWIND to follow the "old crew," Dan Neer, Earle Bailey, and Meg Griffin. Like the critics once told Frank Zappa, "Shut up and play your guitar," Jim Ladd should shut up and play the music.

  5. Apr 9, 2018 · Jim Ladd went on a 10-minute political rant devoid of any rational, informed facts. He then played one song and went at it again. A music channel that allows it's DJs to PONTIFICATE their views, as if us lowly listeners have to be ENLIGHTENED, will surely lose a good number of customers.

  6. Jul 31, 2020 · Fire Jim Ladd His misinformed, politically slanted covid dribble is offensive to listeners with license from Sirus/XM. He's only a REALLY old DJ, he 'spins records' for crying out loud, with no real talent or skill present, he simply picks music from real 'artists' that many of us like, big deal, we all can do that without adding exaggerated and embellished input.

  7. Jan 20, 2021 · On today's Deep Tracks program (Jan 19, 2021) Jim Ladd routinely mentioned male genitalia as he discussed his political feelings toward an outgoing president that didn't act as Jim would have him do. I am paying for music to put me in a good mood, I am not paying to hear Mr Ladd's infantile rantings and political feelings.

  8. Aug 27, 2022 · I’m hoping others agree that SXM made a large mistake in cutting back Jim Ladd by 80%. I’ve gotten to know much more music because he’s unrestricted like all the other hosts.

  9. Jan 30, 2022 · I've had enough! After waiting for the Neil Youngathon to run it's course, I tuned in to Deep Tracks tonight Friday the 4th. Jim Ladd so happy to be back on. Then about 15 minutes in to the show he has to go off on the Neil Young and Spotify fight. I don't care about your viewpoints on this matter Jim. I just want you to play freeform rock!

  10. Jul 17, 2013 · The Pink Floyd Channel is curated by host Jim Ladd, the legendary free-form DJ who has been conducting interviews with Pink Floyd since their first visit to the United States in 1979. Ladd hosts his exclusive weekday free-form rock show featuring a unique blend of musically-themed sets, interviews and more on Deep Tracks, channel 27.