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  1. 母亲的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. In Moeder, Peeping Tom explores the theme and central figure, memory and the mother, with the same tender and sardonic eye that runs through all of its productions. At once funny and eerie; Moeder is disturbing, yet strangely familiar: we recognise in it the same fascination with the sense that the world ...

  2. Jul 3, 2021 · 一天来一下就算了 模3的tom一直在我家小人的院子里 怎么让他直接消失

  3. Feb 8, 2023 · peeping tom第一次看omg,原来母爱的讲法有这么多种 0 有用 Una无缘早睡 2021-10-16 是PT一贯画风,怪诞不安的舞美音乐,摇摇欲坠的亲子关系与疏离于世界的孤独感。

  4. 客厅的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. This piece shows the mental, physical and financial decay of what was once a wealthy family. The aristocratic grandfather, a cornerstone of the family, unconsciously drags his children along with him as he tries to keep up appearances. Set in a once opulent drawing room - now a symbolic glory hole - he ...

  5. Peeping Tom在1960年5月的一天上映的时候,没有人知道它将深刻地改变很多人的一生。导演Michael Powell携《红菱艳》、《黑水仙》等作品优异的口碑与声势而来,却遭遇了彻底的滑铁卢。英国影评界对这部惊世骇俗的影片所给出的反馈,几乎可以用“鞭挞”来形容。

  6. Oct 2, 2020 · 把他年龄改成小孩就偷窥不了了

  7. Dec 20, 2021 · 当时有点让Tina进入人世轮回的意思,她和Tom好像天天嘛事没有,就到处乱跑看人家免费煌片,还露天打手冲。当社畜之后连打手冲的机会也很少有了。 现在Tom也过世了,一缕幽魂摇荡,仍然在我的小人窗户外头打手冲。这就是一生执着吧。 不自由,毋宁死!

  8. 地下室的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. Le Sous Sol is the final part of Peeping Tom's first trilogy that had started in 2002 with Le Jardin, followed by Le Salon in 2004. Le Sous Sol was collectively created by the performers and premiered on 28 March 2007 in the Royal Flemish Theatre (KVS) in Brussels (BE). The piece toured throughout ...

  9. 第一次看PT团。大段台词对白,穿插的韩中英葡语歌(居然还有《夜来香》和《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你》),Peeping Tom你们哪是舞团啊你们这是在做音乐剧吧!(划掉) PT的闹鬼画风我太吃了,配乐极度加分,机械声制造悬疑混杂焦虑。

  10. 但这次是Peeping Tom舞团第一次和歌剧合作,我光速飞来看。 英语对白法语字幕,而我歌剧听力基本为零,法语又是幼儿园小班水平,听完还是对唱词云里雾里,所以一个半小时只顾着看Franck Chartier的编舞了。