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  1. Mary (mother of Jesus) Jesus’ baptism (29 C.E.) Martha. Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus) Mary Magdalene. Jesus’ death (33 C.E.) Queen Esther, Prophetess Deborah, Abigail. Contrast such good women in the Bible with the cautionary tales of Eve, Lot’s wife, Queen Jezebel. See 21 examples and a timeline.

  2. MATTHEW 9:18-22 MARK 5:21-34 LUKE 8:40-48. A WOMAN IS HEALED BY TOUCHING JESUS’ GARMENT. News of Jesus’ return from the Decapolis spreads among Jews living on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. Likely many have heard that during the recent storm, Jesus calmed the wind and the waters, and some may know that he cured the demon ...

  3. A warm, affectionate woman, she may well have had brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, and aunts and uncles to whom she was very attached and whom she might never see again. Yet, Sarah bravely went forward, day by day, getting ready for departure. Despite the challenges, Sarah was packed and ready to go on the appointed day.

  4. a At Isaiah 60:1, the New World Translation uses “woman” instead of “Zion,” or “Jerusalem,” because the Hebrew verbs for “arise” and “shed light” are in the feminine gender, as is the one addressed as “you.” The word “woman” helps the English-speaking reader to discern that a symbolic woman is being addressed.

  5. It is Jehovah. And the man and woman came to be called Adam and Eve. This is how Jehovah God made Adam. He took some dust from the ground and with it he formed a perfect body, a man’s body. Then he blew into the man’s nose, and Adam came to life. Jehovah God had a job for Adam. He told Adam to name all the different kinds of animals.

  6. Teaching a Samaritan Woman. On their way from Judea to Galilee, Jesus and his disciples travel north through the district of Samaria. They are tired from the journey. About noon they stop near the city of Sychar to rest by a well that Jacob likely dug or paid to have dug centuries earlier. Down to our time, such a well can be found near the ...

  7. Jesus could see that this woman was giving evidence of heartfelt repentance for her immoral life. So he concludes: “I tell you, her sins, many though they are, are forgiven, because she loved much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little.”. — Luke 7:44-47. Jesus is not excusing immorality.

  8. The woman thinks Jesus is talking about real water. But he is talking about the truth concerning God and his kingdom. This truth is like life-giving water. It can give a person everlasting life. Jesus now tells the woman: ‘Go and call your husband and come back.’. ‘I don’t have a husband,’ she answers.

  9. PICTURE ACTIVITIES. With Few Weapons, David Acts Courageously. Match the Bible characters with the objects that go with them. PICTURE ACTIVITIES. Hannah Helped Samuel to Serve Jehovah. This activity helps children between the ages of 3 and 6 learn about the gift Hannah gave to Samuel every year. JW.ORG® / OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES.

  10. The young woman was pretty in form and beautiful in appearance,” we read. The Bible presents a balanced view of physical beauty —it is delightful, but it needs to be coupled with wisdom and humility. Otherwise, it may breed vanity, pride, and other ugly traits of the heart. (Read Proverbs 11:22.

  1. Searches related to The Woman

    one The Woman