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  1. Jul 15, 2024 · I 2003 og 2005 skrev han tekst og musik til TV 2-julekalenderne Jesus & Josefine og Jul i Valhal. I begge tv-serier medvirkede Brygmann, ligesom han selv fremførte titelsangen; i Jesus & Josefine sammen med Julie Berthelsen, og i Jul i Valhal med Sarah West.

  2. Jul 3, 2024 · The revelation of God’s Word is seen in the life of Joseph and is fulfilled in Christ. Joseph: The Interpreter of Dreams. Another way Joseph foreshadows Christ is the way he reveals God’s Word. Joseph’s prophetic ministry occurred through dreams.

  3. 3 days ago · For instance, Jesus is called "a wise man" (and Josephus described others like Solomon, Daniel, and John the Baptist in the same fashion), which would not have been a common Christian label for Christ at the time. He referred to Jesus merely as "a worker of amazing deeds" and nothing more, again disagreeing with how Christians viewed Christ.

  4. 1 day ago · The evidence is so strong for the existence of Nazareth during the time of Jesus’ childhood (early 1st century AD), that even the biblical skeptic Bart Ehrman, who denies the divinity of Jesus and asserts that he never claimed to be God, defends it (and rather well at that):

  5. 1 day ago · The concept of Jesus as the "new man" repeats in the cycle of birth and rebirth of Jesus from his nativity to his Resurrection: following his birth, through his morality and obedience to the Father, Jesus began a "new harmony" in the relationship between God the Father and man.

  6. Jul 5, 2024 · The declaration “Jesus is Lord” indicates that Jesus is God. Jesus holds “all authority in heaven and on earth” ( Matthew 28:18 ). He is “Lord of the Sabbath” ( Luke 6:5 ); “our only Sovereign and Lord” ( Jude 1:4 ); and “the Lord of lords” ( Revelation 17:14 ).

  7. 4 days ago · Thus, in his lifetime Jesus was called Jesus son of Joseph (Luke 4:22; John 1:45, 6:42), Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 10:38), or Jesus the Nazarene (Mark 1:24; Luke 24:19). After his death he came to be called Jesus Christ.