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  1. Jun 21, 2024 · Медвежья охота: косолапые сластены атакуют пчеловодов в Дмитрове. Специалисты рассказали, как себя вести при встрече с медведями. Поделиться. Настоящее нашествие косолапых наблюдается в Дмитровском городском округе. Животные стали часто наведываться к пчеловодам.

  2. Jun 20, 2024 · Sea of Okhotsk, northwestern arm of the Pacific Ocean, bounded on the west and north by the east coast of Asia from Cape Lazarev to the mouth of the Penzhina River, on the east and southeast by the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands, on the south by the northern coast of the Japanese island.

  3. Jul 1, 2024 · Brief Profile. active Commercial. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTIU "MEDVEZHIA GORA" Facts to Consider. The founder of the organization has changed. The manager is also a CEO in 1 organization. The organization holds 3 licenses. The company has been in business for 21 years. show 1 more positive fact. Complete Profile. 1.

  4. Jun 11, 2024 · Медвежья семья вышла к отдыхающим в бухте Тихой на Сахалине. Видео: предоставлено Ранее рассказывал о том, что охинский дачник чудом выжил после нападения медведицы. Пока мужчина работал в огороде, к нему на территорию пробрались медвежонок и его мама. Чтобы защитить малыша, хищница набросилась на сахалинца. читайте также.

  5. Jun 25, 2024 · In 2018, Mary Kom became the most successful boxer in the history of the Women’s World Championships by winning her sixth gold medal with a unanimous 5-0 result over Ukraine’s Hanna Okhota.

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  6. Jun 22, 2024 · At their most distant points, the United States and Russia are a staggering 37,500 miles apart. This remarkable distance is measured between Maine, in the United States, and the Eastern point of the Russian Republic of Okhota. It’s truly mind-boggling to comprehend the vast expanse that separates these two countries. The Closest Point

  7. 2 days ago · The Sea of Okhotsk be named for the port o' the same name, which, in turn, be named for the river Okhota. Now, this river be named for the Even word 'okat', meanin' 'river' itself. So ye see, me mateys, the Sea of Okhotsk be ironically named the 'sea of river'.