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  1. 1 day ago · And so, on February 21, 2024, it was time. Amelie, Anna, and I set off, fully packed and highly motivated, across the inland ice towards Cerro Torre. We had planned the Via Dei Ragni route. The guidebook rates this climb at 600m of wall height, 90 degrees in ice, and M4 in mixed terrain. After two days of approach over vast glaciers with ...

  2. 17 hours ago · Ahetzeko hirigunean kokatua den lursaila joan den urtarrilean erosi zuen Habitat Sud Atlantic-ek. Adineko emazte batena zen, Amelie izenekoa, merkatuko prezioa baino lau aldiz merkeago utzi duena, etxebizitza soziala bilakatzeko. 2026. urte hastapenean zabalduko ditu ateak.

  3. Jun 27, 2024 · BY Amelie Botbol . June 27, 2024 12:18. Share via. Tour de France; From left: Sylvan Adams, Ron Baron, Gioia Bartali and Enrico Fink in Florence holding a framed Tour de France IPT jersey ...

  4. 5 days ago · The personal wealth of Preqin's founder will top that of BlackRock's Larry Fink when the deal, which will expand the fund giant's private-markets interests, completes.

  5. 3 days ago · Gizartea - Prentsa-askatasuna Euskal kazetariaren aurkako epaiketaren data finkatzeko eskatu dio '#FreePabloGonzalez' elkarteak Poloniari Poloniako espetxean dagoen euskal kazetariaren bikotekideak, Oihana Goirienak, zehaztu duenez, espioitza da leporatzen dioten tipo penala, baina "zehaztu egin behar dute, eta hori da ia bi urte eta erdian egin ez dutena".

  6. Jun 27, 2024 · Roberta Kaplan is departing Kaplan Hecker & Fink. Amelia Neath. Thursday 27 June 2024 19:57. Comments. Article bookmarked. Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile.

  7. 3 days ago · USA Lacrosse today announced the 2024 high school girls’ All-Academic honorees, with more than 500 players recognized for their academic success during this past year.A USA Lacrosse All-Academic honoree is a player who exhibits exemplary lacrosse skills, good sportsmanship on the field, and represents high standards of academic achievement in the classroom.