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  1. Namiyoke Inari Shrine (波除稲荷神社, Namiyoke inari-jinja) is a Shinto shrine located in Tsukiji, Chūō, Tokyo. It is an Inari shrine that was built on the water's edge when this part of Tokyo (then Edo) was created from landfill after the Great Fire of Meireki in 1657.

  2. Aug 4, 2019 · Namiyoke Inari Jinja is a small Shinto shrine established in gratitude for the waves ceasing detruction of the reclaomed land that became Tsukiji. Featuring two giant lion heads, the shrine retains is down-to-earth, blue collar feel.

  3. May 31, 2017 · Tucked away right next door to one of Tokyo’s biggest and busiest tourist attractions lies the Namiyoke Inari Shrine. This shrine is located in the Tsukiji prefecture, about one block away from the Tsukiji fish market. Although the shrine may be small in size, it’s incredibly large in history.

  4. Namiyoke Inari Shrine is a small shrine situated next to the Tsukiji Fish Market. Its most important festival Tsukiji Shishi Matsuri is held in mid-June. A 5-min walk from Toei Oedo Line Tsukiji-shijo Station.

  5. As the God which protects against misfortunes and helps human to get over periods of turmoil, Namiyoke-Inari is highly worshipped by people who pray for warding off bad luck, for divine protection from calamity, good business, safety during constructions, and others.

  6. 波除神社. 神社の由来. 明暦の大火の埋立工事で困難を極めたのが、築地海面でした。 堤防を築いても築いても激波にさらわれてしまうのです。 或夜の事、海面を光りを放って漂うものがあり、人々は不思議に思って船を出してみると、それは立派な稲荷大神の御神体でした。 皆は畏れて早速現在の地に社殿を作りお祀りして皆で盛大なお祭をしました。 ところがそれからというものは、波風がピタリとおさまり、工事はやすやすと進み埋立も終了致しました。 萬治2年(1659)の事です。 詳しくはこちら. ご祈祷. 厄除、商売繁昌をはじめ様々なご祈祷を受け付けております。 ご家族・ご友人・小さなお子様もご一緒にどうぞ。 詳しくはこちら. 郵送祈祷. 様々な諸事情でご来社頂けない方のために郵送によるご祈祷も承っております。

  7. Namiyoke-inari-jinja Shrine. The guardian deity of Tsukiji protects against disasters. Japan’s largest male ojishi (big lion), “Tenjo Ojishi,” and female ojishi, “Benzaiten Ohaguro Ojishi” are enshrined in the premises.

  8. Jun 22, 2016 · The Namiyoke Inari Shrine is particularly famous for the Tsukiji Shishi Matsuri Festival that occurs every June. During this festival, two gigantic lion heads are paraded through the town. Originally, there were several more of these lion heads, but unfortunately, all but these two were destroyed in the Kanto earthquake.

  9. Jun 12, 2019 · About Namiyoke Inari Shrine. About 350 years ago from now on, this Tsukiji area was the sea of one side. In Edo Kaifu’s Keicho Edo drawing, you can see the area of the current Hibiya moat and see the ship’s office on the shore of Yaesu.

  10. Jun 22, 2016 · The Namiyoke Inari Shrine is particularly famous for the Tsukiji Shishi Matsuri Festival that occurs every June. During this festival, two gigantic lion heads are paraded through the town. Originally, there were several more of these lion heads, but unfortunately, all but these two were destroyed in the Kanto earthquake.