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  1. Etlingera elatior (also known as torch ginger, among other names) is a species of herbaceous perennial plant in the family Zingiberaceae; it is native to Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and New Guinea. The showy pink flowers are used in decorative arrangements, and are an important ingredient across Southeast Asia.

  2. Jul 20, 2023 · Torch Gingers are an iconic edible flower that are a key ingredient in Rojak, a Southeast Asian salad. The unopened flowers are eaten raw, in stir fries, in sauces and in stews. Mature flowers are bright, showy, and long lasting, making them suitable as a cut flower.

  3. Sep 29, 2022 · Torch ginger ( Etlingera elatior) is a perennial tropical plant with distinctive colorful blooms. The entire shape of the bloom and flower stalk is said to resemble a torch, hence the plant’s common name.

  4. Food (Herb or Spice): The immature flower buds of the Torch Ginger have a unique fragrance and taste which is mainly used in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Some common dishes that use the flower bud are rojak and laksa. It can also be used as a garnish for sour-savoury soups.

  5. Etlingera elatior, commonly known as Torch Ginger or Red Ginger Lily, is a striking tropical plant renowned for its vibrant flowers and architectural foliage. This detailed overview explores its characteristics, cultivation, and uses.

  6. Maximum Height. 3.7 m to 6 m. Description and Ethnobotany. Landscaping Features. Fauna, Pollination and Dispersal. Plant Care and Propagation. Light Preference. Semi-Shade, Full Sun.

  7. Mar 28, 2023 · The torch ginger lily ( Etlingera elatior) is a showy addition to the tropical landscape, as it is a large plant with a variety of unusual, colorful blooms. Torch ginger plant information says the plant, an herbaceous perennial, grows in areas where temperatures fall no lower than 50 degrees F. (10 C.) at night.