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  1. An Act to provide for the regulation and accreditation of private education institutions so as to ensure the provision of quality education thereat and for matters connected therewith. [24/2016] [1 December 2009: Except Parts 3 to 7; 21 December 2009: Parts 3 to 7]

  2. An Act to make provision for Parliamentary elections. [12 November 1954] Singapore Statutes Online is provided by the Legislation Division of the Singapore Attorney-General's Chambers.

  3. Engage the services of a professional mechanical engineer or a BCA-registered Energy Auditor to carry out the energy audit. Submit the necessary documents to the Commissioner of Building Control. All energy audits must abide by the Code on Periodic Energy Audit of Building Cooling System.

  4. Abrus precatorius is a slender, perennial climber that twines around trees, shrubs and hedges. It has no special organs of attachment. Fruit. The fruit (pod) is flat, oblong and truncate-shaped with sharp deflexed beak about 3-5cm long, 1.2 cm wide, and silky-textured.

  5. Flat, thin pods are 2.5-7 cm long and contain 5-7, small, flat seeds. The thin, pod walls are edible, lacking tough fibers. Cultivation. This species prefers bright light but cool temperatures and is not likely to grow well outdoors in Singapore.

  6. Pea sprouts, also known as 豆苗 (dòu miáo), are a popular dish at Chinese banquets and at 煮炒 ('zhi char') meals. They are actually the young seedlings of the pea plant, Pisum sativum.

  7. Jul 13, 2023 · Butterfly Pea ( Clitoria ternatea) Other common names: Blue Pea, Blue Vine, Pigeon Wings, Mussel Shell Creeper, Bunga Telang, 蝶豆, 蝴蝶花豆. Butterfly Peas are a hardy edible flower that is used to colour drinks, desserts, and rice dishes.

  8. Fact Sheet and Plant Guide. Information. Description. Common name and scientific name. Blue Pea, Butterfly Pea, Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea) Growth habit and size. Blue Pea is a perennial vine up to three feet long that climbs up a support or gate. Foliage, flower color, and texture.

  9. Pea shoots are one of the easiest greens to grow, even in a country as warm and humid as Singapore. My favourite pea variety is Sweet Peas because of their sweet flavour. The important thing to remember when growing pea shoots in Singapore is to keep your potting medium moist and to ensure your pea shoots get no more than 2-3 hours of morning sun. Beyond that, keep your tray/pot in a shaded spot.

  10. The Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) is part of the Post-Secondary Education Scheme to help pay for your post-secondary education. Find out more details about the PSEA and how you can use your unspent funds.

  11. May 13, 2018 · Butterfly pea, or blue pea flower, is a superfood that has long been used in Asia as a food colouring and for its rich antioxidant value, especially in Peranakan culture, where traditional kueh salat uses butterfly pea to stain the rice blue. These days, the hype over attractive blue butterfly pea food is exploding island-wide.

  12. Maple peas, also known as pea sprouts, pea shoots, or dou miao, are a local favorite in Singapore! They have long, pale stems with tender leaves, and taste best stir fried. Pea shoots can also be enjoyed raw in pastas, sandwiches, as garnishes or in salads.

  13. Shop for Green Earth Blue Butterfly Pea from Singapore's trusted grocery retailer. FairPrice offers a wide range of products with prices matched online and in stores.

  14. Description and Ethnobotany. Fruit. Pods are smooth and rounded (7-8 cm long). The thick pod wall of sugar snap peas has a sweet taste and crisp texture. Cultivation. This species grows best at cooler temperatures and is not likely to grow well in Singapore. Ethnobotanical Uses.

  15. Stone pebbles are most commonly used as decorative materials for garden landscaping, pathways and fountains. Pebbles are usually preferred as they require low-maintenance and contain fire-proofing properties. Being natural products, it is widely used for gardening and aquascaping purposes.

  16. Shop Beans & Peas at Singapore's trusted grocery retailer. FairPrice offers a wide range of products to choose from!

  17. Sep 7, 2019 · Butterfly Pea, also known as Blue Pea, is a type of flowering plant from the Fabaceae family. It is known as the Clitoria Ternatea plant, Aprajita, Cordofan pea, and Asian Pigeonwings. Other names for this plant are Darwin Pea and Bluebellvine.

  18. The plant prefers full sunlight to semi-shade, and is adapted to a wide range of soil conditions, from sands to heavy clays with moderate fertility. Roots are deep rooted which fix nitrogen, thus, improving the quality of the soil. Ethnobotanical Uses.

  19. › wiki › PeaPea - Wikipedia

    Pea ( pisum in Latin) is a pulse, vegetable or fodder crop, but the word often refers to the seed or sometimes the pod of this flowering plant species. Carl Linnaeus gave the species the scientific name Pisum sativum in 1753 (meaning cultivated pea).

  20. The Butterfly Pea is a climbing plant1 whose blue flowers are commonly used as a food dye, particularly among the Peranakans (Straits Chinese). Description. Although it can be found growing in the wild in our region, the butterfly pea is believed to have originated from South America and Asia.

  21. › nparksbuzz › issue-41-vol-2-2019Blue Pea - National Parks Board

    Blue Pea. A blue, edible dye is extracted from the flowers of the Blue Pea (Clitoria ternatea). This is used as a natural blue colouring in foods such as Pulut Tai Tai, a traditional Malay pastry.

  22. Shop for Calbee Harvest Snaps Baked Pea Crips - Original Salted from Singapore's trusted grocery retailer. FairPrice offers a wide range of products with prices matched online and in stores.

  23. Its solitary flowers bloom in white colours, pea-shaped, 4 cm by 3 cm, single or paired, standard obovate, notched or rounded at apex. Fruit. Its fruits are linear-oblong pods, 5-11 cm long and 0.7-1 cm wide, with a long pointed tip. Habitat.

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