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  1. Edmund McWilliams (born February 18, 1947) is an American diplomat and previous United States Ambassador to Tajikistan. McWilliams was born in Rhode Island to a father who was a mill worker and a mother who was a cafeteria aide.

  2. Interview with Edmund McWilliams Q: And back as far as, you know, give an idea where they all came from. MCWILLIAMS: Alright. Old Irish immigrant stock. Came over in the late 1800s. My dad had been a mill worker all his life and at the age-Q: How about your grandfather? Do you know?

  3. May 15, 2005 · Making a Tragic Mistake in Indonesia By Edmund McWilliams. Edmund McWilliams entered the Foreign Service in 1975, serving in Vientiane, Bangkok, Moscow, Kabul, Islamabad, Managua, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Jakarta (where he was political counselor from 1996 to 1999) and Washington, D.C.

  4. McWilliams, a former Army intelligence operative, had made it his business to venture as much as possible into the Soviet-occupied capital. Now he set out to see what had happened.

  5. Ed McWilliams protests Australia Prime Minister John Howard’s DC visit. I retired after almost 27 years in the State Department in 2001. Since then, I have roamed the halls of Congress and protested on the streets with ETAN in support of justice, human rights and democracy in Indonesia and -- now independent -- East Timor.

  6. Alan McWilliams is a Lecturer in the College of Business at Victoria University, where he teaches the first-year Management course. In academia since 1990, Alan previously worked in various management and HR roles in hospitality and within the Tasmanian State Public Service.

  7. McWilliams explains influential psychoanalytic paradigms pertaining to character structure. She shows how analytic theory provides tools for seeing—and treating—patients as complex wholes, rather than as collections of comorbid symptoms.