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  1. Tiina Tauraite (born on 2 June 1976 in Tallinn) is an Estonian actress. [1] In 1998 she graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Since then, she has worked as a theatre actress at Von Krahl Theatre.

  2. Tiina Tauraite (sündinud 2. juunil 1976 Tallinnas) on eesti näitleja ja ettevõtja. Ta on lõpetanud 1994. aastal Tallinna 4. Keskkooli ja 1998. aastal Eesti Muusikaakadeemia Kõrgema Lavakunstikooli (18. lennus). Ta töötab näitlejana Von Krahli Teatris.

  3. Tiina Tauraite . Playing Age 40-50. Height 170cm/ 5’7” Build Slim. Eyes Green. Hair Short Brown. Appearance White/ East European. Website Mobile Tel +37256211434. Email Training Drama School at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Judith Weston workshop on directing actors

  4. Tauraite Country Spirits official website by: Tiina Tauraite.

  5. Tiina Tauraite (born on June 2, 1976 in Tallinn) is an Estonian actress. In 1998 she graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Since then, she has worked as a theatre actress at Von Krahl Theatre. Besides theatre roles she has appeared in a number of films and television series.

  6. Tauraite Country Spirits on kahe näitleja eneseväljendus — meie panus Eesti ja miks mitte ka kogu maailma toidu- ja joogikultuuri. Oleme eluaeg tegelenud kultuuriga: aastast 1998 oleme professionaalsed näitlejad — seda nii filmis, teles kui teatrilaval. Siia võiks ka lugu lõppeda — õnn on ju õuel.

  7. The Bank: With Tiina Tauraite, Liis Lindmaa, Marek Rosenberg, Erki Laur. 10-episode drama series "The Bank" is based on a true story in the turbulent Estonian 90s. Personal dramas will unfold using the historic events as a backdrop, with the characters constantly re-evaluating the currency rates and their personal values.