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  1. Shubha is an Indian actress who acted prominently in Malayalam films. [citation needed] She was a lead actress during the late 1970s and early 1980s. [1] She also acted in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, and Hindi films. [2] She was the second lead in the cult Kannada classic Naagarahaavu (1972).

  2. Find out the best dates and timings to perform various rituals and activities as per Vedic astrology. Shubha Dates covers child ceremonies, marriage, occupational, monetary, family and life style events.

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    Śubhā (शुभा):—One of the twelve guṇas associated with Randhra, the first seat of the Svādhiṣṭhāna-chakra. According to tantric sources such as the Śrīmatottara-tantra and the Gorakṣasaṃhitā (Kādiprakaraṇa), these twelve guṇas are represented as female deities. According to the Ṣaṭsāhasrasaṃhitā however, they are explained as particular syllables. They (e.g. Śubhā) only seem to play an minor role with regard to the interpretation of the Devīcakra (first of five chakras, as taught in the Kubjik...

    Purana and Itihasa

    Śubhā (शुभा) is the name of a mind-born ‘divine mother’ (mātṛ), created for the purpose of drinking the blood of the Andhaka demons, according to the Matsya-purāṇa 179.8. The Andhaka demons spawned out of every drop of blood spilled from the original Andhakāsura(Andhaka-demon). According to the Matsya-purāṇa 179.35, “Most terrible they (e.g., Śubhā) all drank the blood of those Andhakas and become exceedingly satiated.” The Matsyapurāṇa is categorised as a Mahāpurāṇa, and was originally compo...


    Śubha (शुभ) and Bhadrā were both cursed by Kaṇva, as mentioned in the Kathāsaritsāgara, chapter 123. Accordingly, as Śubha and Bhadra said to king Vikramāditya“... we two, King, are two sons of gods; this one’s name is Bhadra, and I am Śubha. As we were roaming about we observed the hermit Kaṇva engaged in meditation. We assumed in sport the forms of an elephant and a boar, and having done so, we terrified the great sage in our reckless folly, and he pronounced on us this curse: ‘Become in th...


    1. Subha. A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.70; ApA.i.106. 2. Subha. A young man (manava) called Todeyyaputta. He once visited the Buddha in Savatthi, asking him various questions. The interview is described in the Subha Sutta (q.v.). At the end of the discourse he declared himself the Buddhas follower. While on his way back from the city, he met Janussoni, and, on being asked what he thought of the Buddha, spoke of him in terms of the highest praise, saying that none but Gotamas own peer could utter s...

    Tibetan Buddhism

    Śubhā (शुभा) is one of the twenty-four Goddesses surrounding Buddhakapāla in the buddhakapālamaṇḍala, according to the 5th-century Sādhanamālā (a collection of sādhana texts that contain detailed instructions for rituals).—Buddhakapāla refers to one of the various emanations of Akṣobhya and the sādhana says that when Heruka is embraced by Citrasenā he gets the name of Buddhakapāla.—Śubhā stands in the west of the outermost circle. She has a blue colour two arms, one face, ornaments of bones,...


    Śubha (शुभ) refers to “purity”, according to Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (chapter 2).—Accordingly, “[Question.—Why do the Buddhist sūtras begin with the words: ‘Thus have I heard’?]—[...] Furthermore, current language (lokābhilāpa) has three roots (mūla): (1) wrong views (mithyādṛṣṭi), (2) pride (māna), (3) convention (saṃketa). The first two are impure (aśubha), the third is pure (śubha). In all worldly people (pṛthagjana), the three types of language, wrong views, pride and convention, exist....

    General definition

    Śubhā (शुभा) is the name of an ancient city, according to chapter 5.2 [śāntinātha-caritra]of Hemacandra’s 11th century Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra: an ancient Sanskrit epic poem narrating the history and legends of sixty-three illustrious persons in Jainism. Accordingly:—“Now, in this Jambūdvīpa in the province Ramaṇīya, the ornament of East Videha, on the south bank of the Śītā, there is a city, named Śubhā, the fair abode of Lakṣmī, presenting a manifestation of the beauty of the earth, spl...

    Subha in India is the name of a plant defined with Annona squamosa in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices It has the synonym Guanabanus squamosusM. Gómez (among others). Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity (see...

    Pali-English dictionary

    subha : (adj.) lucky; auspicious; pleasant. (nt.), welfare; beauty. || suṇhā (f.), a daughter-in-law. Subha, (adj.) (Vedic śubhas fr. subh; cp. sobhati) shining, bright, beautiful D. I, 76=II. 13=M. III, 102; Dhs. 250; DA. I, 221; auspicious, lucky, pleasant Sn. 341; It. 80; good Sn. 824, 910; subhato maññati to consider as a good thing Sn. 199; J. I, 146; cp. S. IV, 111; (nt.) welfare, good, pleasantness, cleanliness, beauty, pleasure; —vasena for pleasure’s sake J. I, 303, 304; asubha anyth...

    Marathi-English dictionary

    śubha (शुभ).—n (S) Good fortune, well-being, weal, prosperity. 2 Goodness, propitiousness, favorableness (as of conjunctions, lunar days &c.) 3 Auspiciousness; favorableness of indication or promise. 4 m The twenty-third of the astronomical Yogas. --- OR --- śubha (शुभ).—a (S) Good, propitious, favorable, fortunate, auspicious, happy, that confers or promises good;--used of acts, rites, omens, signs, aspects. 2 Happy, joyous, of a light and festal nature; as opp. to funereal, lugubrious, dolo...

    Sanskrit dictionary

    Śubha (शुभ).—a. [śubh-ka] 1)Shining, bright. 2) Beautiful, handsome; जङ्घे शुभे सृष्टवतस्तदीये (jaṅghe śubhe sṛṣṭavatastadīye)Kumārasambhava 1.35. 3)Auspicious, lucky, happy, fortunate. 4) Eminent, good, virtuous; येन केनाप्युपायेन शुभेनाप्यशुभेन वा उद्धरेद्दीनमात्मानम् (yena kenāpyupāyena śubhenāpyaśubhena vā uddhareddīnamātmānam)Pañcatantra (Bombay) 1.358. 5)Learned, versed in the Vedas. -bhaḥ 1Name of a yoga; L. D. B. 2) The Almighty (aja); L. D. B. 3)Water. 4)A he-goat. -bham 1 Auspicious...

    Shubha is a Sanskrit term that can have different meanings in Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and other traditions. It can refer to a name, a quality, a mantra, a river, a goddess, and more.

  3. Shubha is a Hindu name that means "auspicious, bringing good luck". It is a popular choice among Hindu families and has a friendly and captivating sound.

  4. › wiki › ShubhaShubha - Wikipedia

    Shubha may refer to: Shubha (Arabic), doubt, obscurity, suspicion or mis-grounded conceit. Shubha (name), a Hindu given name. Shubha (film), a 2006 Bangladeshi film. Shubha (actress), Indian film actress mainly in Malayalam films.

  5. Shubha (Arabic: شبهة doubt, obscurity, or mis-grounded conceit) is an Islamic term referring to the duty of leaders/judges to consider any doubt (shubha) before implementing a verdict in a criminal case of any degree.

  6. Jun 14, 2024 · Shubha is a Hebrew name meaning auspicious or beauty. Learn about its pronunciation, numerology, notable people, and other details to help you choose this name for your baby.