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  1. Professor Cheung Chi Wai is the Chairperson and Clinical Professor of the Department of Anaesthesiology, The University of Hong Kong. He is the Honorary Consultant of Department of Anaesthesiology, Queen Mary Hospital and Grantham Hospital and Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital in Hong Kong.

  2. Research Assistant Professor. Room 252 Science Centre. (852) 3943 5667. 0000-0003-4415-0767. Education. Position. Research Interests. Our main research goal is to develop synthetic methods to access organic compounds potentially valuable in academia and industry. Current research topics include: (1) Base metal catalysis.

  3. Professor Cheung, Chi Wai. Title at the University of Hong Kong | Clinical Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, School of Clinical Medicine. Qualifications | MB BS (HK), MD (HK), FHKCA, FFPM ANZCA, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology), Dip Pain Mgt (HKCA) Gender | Male. Language (s)/dialect (s) spoken | Cantonese, English, Putonghua.

  4. Prof. Chi Wai CHEUNG. MBBS, MD, FHKCA, FFPMANZCA, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology), Dip Pain Mgt (HKCA) Clinical Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, The University of Hong Kong. Director, Laboratory and Clinical Research Institute for Pain, The University of Hong Kong.

  5. 專科 | 麻醉科. 電話 | (852) 2255-3303. 電郵地址 | 提供的醫療服務程序及手術 | 全身麻醉專業麻醉照護區域麻醉硬膜外麻醉/鎮痛區域麻醉神經阻滯麻醉/鎮痛神經軸阻斷脊柱和軀幹阻斷交感神經和內臟阻斷頭部和頸部阻斷上肢阻斷 ...

  6. 医生. 张志伟 教授. 香港大学职衔 | 香港大学临床医学学院麻醉学系临床教授. 资历 | 香港大学内外全科医学士, 香港大学医学博士, 香港麻醉科医学院院士, 澳洲及纽西兰麻醉科医学院痛症治疗科院士, 香港医学专科学院院士 (麻醉科), 香港麻醉科医学院疼痛科文凭. 性别 | 男. 所操语言/方言 | 广东话,英文,普通话. 专科 | 麻醉科. 电话 | (852) 2255-3303. 电邮地址 | 提供的医療服务、程序及手术 | 全身麻醉,专业麻醉照护,区域麻醉:硬膜外麻醉/镇痛,区域麻醉:神经阻滞麻醉/镇痛,神经轴阻断,脊柱和躯干阻断,交感神经和内脏阻断,头部和颈部阻断,上肢阻断,下肢阻断. 相关聯的医院 | 瑪丽医院,港怡医院.

  7. Professor CHEUNG, Chi Wai. MBBS(HK), MD(HKU), FHKCA, FFPMANZCA, FHKCA(Pain Med), FHKAM(Anaesthesiology), Dip Pain Mgt (HKCA) Chairperson and Clinical Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, The University of Hong Kong.