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  1. Jul 2, 2024 · WRC fans who missed Markko Märtin's emotional victory at Neste Rally Finland in 2003 are in for a treat next week, when the whole event will be replayed live on Twitter.

  2. Jun 30, 2024 · The 2002 World Rally Championship was the 30th season of the FIA World Rally Championship. The season consisted of 14 rallies. Marcus Grönholm won his second drivers' world championship in a Peugeot 206 WRC, ahead of Petter Solberg and Carlos Sainz.

  3. Jul 7, 2024 · Peugeot's Markko Märtin retired after his co-driver Michael Park was fatally injured in their crash at the Wales Rally GB. [2] Citroën took the manufacturers' title for the third year in a row, well ahead of Subaru and Ford.

  4. Jun 19, 2024 · DirtFishi intervjuud Mölderi, Nõgese ja Markko Märtiniga toimusid Märtini kodu garaaži ees. Just Märtini kollektsiooni kuulub Ilmar Raissare Lada VFTS, millega Raissar võitis 1989. aasal sotsialismimaade karikasarja etapi Sojuz 89 ja mis spetsiaalselt „Kurvilise tee legendid“ filmi jaoks restaureeriti.

  5. Q & A: Markko Märtin. Estonian hero relives rally return. 16 Jul 2019 Spain stays with popular format. Few changes to Spanish fixture. 16 Jul 2019 View from the service park. We look back at last weekend’s Estonian speedfest

  6. Jul 6, 2024 · After winning the first two rallies of the season, the only time Loeb was headed in the 2004 title race was when Markko Märtin won the inaugural Rally México to lead the Frenchman by a point. From then on, he was away.

  7. Jul 3, 2024 · „Esimest korda olin ralliraja ääres ema kõhus olles, kui minu vanemad vaatasid, kuidas Markko Märtin Eestis veel enda Toyota Celicaga võistles. Võib öelda küll, et minu varajane rallihuvi on pärilik, sest mu vanemad, peamiselt isa, olid tõepoolest pidevalt rallit jälgimas.