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  1. Transfusion is a science fiction short story by American writer Chad Oliver, first published in the magazine Astounding Science Fiction in June, 1959. Like many of his stories, it puts the author's own profession of anthropology into a science fiction context.

  2. Nov 24, 2000 · This tear-jerking tale of brotherly self-sacrifice appears to have begun its online life in June 1998 (although the core story is much older, as you soon will find out).

  3. Few people ever anticipate needing blood transfusions, yet it’s a reality that many face every day. Thanks to the generosity of donors, countless recipients have received blood transfusions that helped them survive life-threatening challenges and situations.

  4. These are their stories. The Gift of Life. For many, blood transfusions are a life-saving gift. Whether suffering from an ongoing condition or a victim of an unexpected accident, countless individuals find themselves in life-or-death situations that require blood donations for survival.

  5. Jul 23, 2014 · A blood donation is one of the greatest gifts that a person can give. It is a selfless act that can have a long-lasting impact on another person’s life. Susan, a committed Red Cross blood donor, regularly donated blood to help save the lives of others.

  6. I thought people who received blood either had surgery, a transfusion for a particular condition, or had been in a serious accident. I found out there are other reasons one might need blood. A few years ago, I thought I had a bad flu bug.

  7. May 5, 2021 · But, because he was there receiving a transfusion, his condition was immediately noticed by hospital staff. The emergency team scrambled, successfully resuscitated him and rushed him to the Emergency Department prior to transfer to ICU.