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  1. Sep 28, 2012 · On Oct. 4, 2007, the Space Age celebrated the 50th anniversary of the historic launch of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, by the former Soviet Union.

  2. Jan 10, 2022 · A history of the first 50 years of human space flight. In the Beginning. If the idea of blasting into outer space sounds absolutely amazing, then you are not alone. For a long time humans observed space from a distance, because travelling beyond our planet was not yet possible.

  3. Space: The First Fifty Years chronicles the amazing advances and discoveries made during the momentous last half century, including the first manned spaceflight and first man in orbit, the first unmanned landing on the moon, the first craft to leave the Earth's orbit, the manned moon landings, the advent of the Space Shuttle, and the first ...

  4. 100 EARTH OBSERVATIONS FROM SPACE: THE FIRST 50 YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS Other nations have also made significant contributions to which in turn affects the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) the ­capacity to observe Earth from space.

  5. Over the past 50 years, thousands of satellites have been sent into space on missions to collect data about the Earth. Today, the ability to forecast weather, climate, and natural hazards depends critically on these satellite-based observations.

  6. Earth Observations from Space: The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievements. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11991.

  7. Oct 2, 2007 · In honor of the 50th anniversary of Sputnik's Oct. 4, 1957 launch, presents a collection of stories on five decades of spaceflight.