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  1. Douglas Crockford is an American computer programmer who is involved in the development of the JavaScript language. He specified the data format JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), and has developed various JavaScript related tools such as the static code analyzer JSLint and minifier JSMin.

  2. Douglas Crockford is the author of How JavaScript Works. He has been called a JavaScript Guru, but he is more of a Mahatma. He was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, but left when he was only six months old because it was just too damn cold.

  3. Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript. Five years ago I wrote Classical Inheritance in JavaScript ( Chinese Italian Japanese). It showed that JavaScript is a class-free, prototypal language, and that it has sufficient expressive power to simulate a classical system.

  4. Douglas Crockford JavaScript, aka Mocha, aka LiveScript, aka JScript, aka ECMAScript, is one of the world's most popular programming languages. Virtually every personal computer in the world has at least one JavaScript interpreter installed on it and in active use.

  5. Douglas Crockford douglascrockford. Follow. I was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. I left when I was 6 months old because it was too damn cold. My latest book is _A Million And One Random Digits_. 21.6k followers · 2 following. Virgule-Solidus. Anaheim. Achievements. x4. Beta Send feedback. Block or Report. Pinned.

  6. Jul 19, 2022 · Douglas Crockford is a well-known American computer programmer who was involved in the development of the language. He is the author of*How JavaScript Works. He also discovered the*JSON Data Interchange Format, the world’s most loved data format.

  7. In this 2007 presentation at Yahoo!, which is meant to be the beginning of a three-course sequence (followed by "Theory of the DOM" and then "Advanced JavaScript"), Douglas Crockford explores...