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  1. Kazuyo Katsuma (勝間 和代, Katsuma Kazuyo, born December 14, 1968) is a Japanese businesswoman and author of several best selling books, with sales numbers in the tens of millions. She writes mostly about self management , work–life balance , gender equality and how women can become more successful.

  2. May 30, 2018 · Kazuyo Katsuma, a 49-year-old mother of 3 who was once featured on the Wall Street Journal’s list of “The 50 Women to Watch” said she was living with Hiroko Masuhara, 40, a gay rights activist.

  3. May 30, 2018. One of the nation's most influential businesswoman on Monday surprised many of the country's working women by disclosing she is in same-sex relationship, possibly a...

  4. May 29, 2018 · An influential businesswoman on Monday shocked many working women in Japan by disclosing she is in same-sex relationship, possibly a game-changing event in the nation's slowly growing acceptance of sexual minorities.

  5. Kazuyo Katsuma is a charismatic economic analyst, best-selling writer and working mother, who has regular columns in newspapers and appears frequently in magazines and on TV...

  6. 2 days ago · プロフィール. 1968年東京生まれ。. 経済評論家中央大学ビジネススクール客員教授。. 早稲田大学ファイナンスMBA慶応大学商学部卒業。. 当時最年少の19歳で会計士補の資格を取得、大学在学中から監査法人に勤務。. アーサー・アンダーセン ...

  7. Kazuyo Katsuma has 26 books on Goodreads with 31 ratings. Kazuyo Katsumas most popular book is Katsuma Kazuyo No Business Atama O Tsukuro 7tsuno Framewo...