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  1. Galactic Republic commando squads. Category page. This category is for commando squads that served with the Galactic Republic throughout its history.

  2. Jun 16, 1988 · Commando Squad: Directed by Fred Olen Ray. With Kathy Shower, Brian Thompson, William Smith, Robert Quarry. An American narcotics agent takes her squad to Mexico, where she must break up a drug-smuggling gang that has also kidnapped her boyfriend.

    • (251)
    • Action, Drama
    • Fred Olen Ray
    • 1988-06-16
    • Overview
    • History
    • Members
    • Equipment
    • Behind the scenes
    • Appearances
    • Sources
    • Notes and references

    "I feel genuinely sorry for any hostile who has the misfortune to face Delta Squad in combat."

    ―Walon Vau

    Delta Squad was an elite clone commando squad that carried out demanding missions for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Comprised of four clones of the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett, Delta Squad included Boss, RC-1140 "Fixer," Sev, and Scorch. One of the twenty-five squads that comprised Arca Company of the Commando Group Zero Five Commando in the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade, Delta Squad took their orders from the Director of Special Forces, Jedi General Arligan Zey, along with Zey's former Padawan, Bardan Jusik for much of the war, and then from Jusik's replacement, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan. During several missions, the unit was also overseen in the field by clone advisor CC-01/425.

    First deployed on Geonosis at the start of the Clone Wars, Delta Squad would go on to play an instrumental role in the recapture of the RAS Prosecutor, as well as the rescue of fellow commando unit, Omega Squad. In conjunction with Omega, and working with two of the Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos under the direction of former Cuy'val Dar training sergeant Kal Skirata, Delta would take part in the shut down of a Separatist terror cell operating on Coruscant. The squad would be tasked with locating the Kaminoan defector Ko Sai, though their search would turn up nothing but the scientist's severed head. Delta Squad would again prove invaluable to the Republic in the lead up to the Battle of Kashyyyk, where they were able to rescue the Wookiee chieftain Tarfful from his Trandoshan slaver captors, defend Wookiee villages from Separatist battle droids, and even destroy a Recusant-class light destroyer. However, it was on Kashyyyk that Delta Squad would be forced to abandon one of their own, the commando known as Sev, when he came under fire and the squad received orders from Jedi Grand Master Yoda himself to immediately pull out. Delta Squad would go on to serve the newly-formed Galactic Empire as part of the 501st Legion's Imperial Commando Special Unit, where they were given a replacement for Sev, and tasked with hunting down Jedi who had escaped Order 66, along with clone deserters, Jedi sympathizers, and other Imperial dissidents.

    Youth and training

    The four members of Delta Squad were born in the cloning facilities of Tipoca City on the planet of Kamino. During their youth, they received flash training much like the rest of the developing Grand Army of the Republic, but the majority of their training came from Walon Vau, one of the seventy-five Mandalorian clone commando training sergeants in the one-hundred-man group known as the Cuy'val Dar. Hand-picked by Jango Fett himself, Vau believed that in order for his commandos to survive in combat, he must train them as harshly as possible—to do anything less would compromise their training. Seen as brutal by many, including his fellow Cuy'val Dar training sergeants, Vau's practices made Delta Squad an aggressive, but supremely efficient unit and they were truly grateful toward the man for making them into survivors. Vau took great pride in his squads' consistently high performance, both in live-fire exercises on Kamino and later during their deployment in the Clone Wars. During their training, the four commandos adopted names to go along with their formal numerical designations. RC-1138, the squad's sergeant, became known as "Boss", while RC-1140 took on the name "Fixer". RC-1262 earned himself the nickname of "Scorch", following an incident with explosive ordnance that left both 62 and Sergeant Vau without eyebrows for a period of time, and RC-1207 became known as "Sev", short for his designation's final digit, seven.

    Battle of Geonosis

    "The squad objective remains: find Sun Fac, and eliminate him. I will be issuing further orders as you go. Good luck, commando." ―CC-01/425 to Boss Delta Squad's intensive training on Kamino would come to an end in the year 22 BBY. During his pursuit of the progenitor of Delta Squad, as well as the rest of the clone army, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi traveled to the planet Geonosis where he was captured by Geonosian forces. His Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala would attempt to rescue Kenobi, but would fail and instead join him in captivity. While Jedi Master Mace Windu moved with a Jedi strike team to rescue the three captives, Grand Master Yoda traveled to Kamino to see the recently discovered Grand Army for himself. The Grand Army, and Delta Squad with it, would be sent to Geonosis in a deployment so hastily ordered and carried out that it would leave Delta with no time to say goodbye to their training sergeant, Vau. The four commandos split up, each boarding a single LAAT/i gunship independently, with the intention of rendezvousing once on the surface of Geonosis. Overseen by clone advisor CC-01/425 during their part in the First Battle of Geonosis, Delta Squad was tasked with assassinating Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser's chief lieutenant, Sun Fac. Once on the ground, Delta Squad's sergeant, Boss, was called upon to destroy an armored bunker on his way to rendezvous with the other members of his squad, a task he completed utilizing a thermal detonator. Upon the reunion of the four commandos, Delta Squad attacked Sun Fac in his command center, although the Geonosian leader would manage to escape. Delta would track Fac through the Geonosian catacombs, eventually catching up with him in Fac's private hangar as the Geonosian attempted to escape in his starfighter. Fac's escape was prevented by the timely actions of Delta Squad's sniper, Sev, who used the sniping attachment of his DC-17m blaster rifle to shoot down the starfighter, killing Fac. While in the hangar, Delta Squad would also witness the departure of General Grievous' personal starfighter, Soulless One, although they were unable to recognize it for what it was at the time. While hunting for Sun Fac, Delta Squad had engaged a number of spider droids while their fellow Republic commando unit, Theta Squad, blew through a door in the catacombs. Once the door was down, Delta was given leave to enter and fire on the Geonosians inside, while Theta moved off to destroy a droid factory. Once Sun Fac was dead, Delta Squad was informed via their advisor that Theta Squad had failed in their objective; three of the four commandos had been killed, leaving Darman the only survivor. Delta would infiltrate the factory—their route taking them through an area filled with Geonosian eggs—and successfully destroy it by targeting specific weak points in the factory's design. Following the destruction of the droid factory, Delta Squad was tasked with the infiltration of a Lucrehulk-class Core Ship. Deployed in a nearby canyon from a LAAT/i gunship piloted by clone pilot Delta 42, Delta Squad was quickly ambushed by Geonosian forces. Though outnumbered, they soon came upon a downed gunship and two clone troopers; though the troopers would fall to the Geonosians, Delta Squad was able to commandeer one of the gunship's turbolaser bubble-turrets in order to fend off the enemy. As they continued toward the Core Ship, the squad was called upon to take out an anti-aircraft cannon. Delta fought through a number of B1-Series battle droids and super battle droids, before finally destroying the large anti-aircraft emplacement. When the squad finally reached the Core Ship, they were met with resistance from an advanced spider droid, and a ray shield blocking the ship's entrance. The four commandos were able to destroy the spider droid with considerable effort—with Boss making note of his desire never to have to engage one again—and they then called in air-support from Delta 42's gunship to blow through the ray shielded entrance. Once inside, Delta Squad split up, each of its members tasked with sabotaging and destroying various crucial systems. Scorch and Fixer came under heavy fire from a small number of droidekas, but Boss and Sev were able to rescue them without incident. Their primary objective was the capture of vital launch codes housed on the ship's bridge. On the bridge, Delta came under heavy fire from numerous battle droids and stationary autoturrets, but still managed to acquire the codes before retreating down a branching corridor. By this point in time, the squad's efforts to sabotage the Core Ship had come to full fruition, with several primary systems overloading. With no time to make an escape back the way they had come, Delta Squad was extracted via LAAT/i gunship through a hole forcefully blown in the hull the ship. Delta Squad's actions in retrieving the Core Ship's launch codes would allow the Republic to hault the evacuation of several other fleeing ships. They were also the first Republic force to successfully breach a vessel of the Separatist alliance now known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Delta Squad would be among the few squads of Republic commandos to survive the battle on Geonosis intact, taking no casualties to its ranks when 4,982 other commandos perished during the battle.

    Mission to the Prosecutor

    Advisor CC-01/425: "We're sending our most qualified squad to investigate. Someone important noted your excellence on Geonosis." Scorch: "You hear that, Sev? Someone thinks I'm excellent." Sev: " least that makes two of you." ―Prior to the mission to the Prosecutor Delta Squad is sent to investigate the RAS The battle on Geonosis would turn out to be only the start of the pan-galactic Clone Wars. Three hundred and sixty-seven days into the war, now in the year 21 BBY, Delta Squad was called upon to investigate the derelict Acclamator-class assault ship, Prosecutor. Delta Squad had spent a substantial amount of time aboard the capital ship during the early portion of the war, even coming to think of it as their "first home". Having recently reappeared in the Chaykin cluster following a two-week-long disappearance while tasked with defending trade routes in the Corellian sector, the Prosecutor was found drifting without power and unresponsive to communication attempts. They were specifically chosen for the mission due to the impact their actions on Geonosis had on an individual higher up the Republic chain of command. Arriving on scene in the Corbantis system aboard a CR25 troop carrier, Delta Squad was tasked with retrieving flight records from the Prosecutor's four data cores and securing the derelict assault ship. The four members of Delta Squad disembarked from the CR25 via a jump through the vacuum of space, splitting up and entering the Prosecutor at four different locations—Boss entered the assault ship through one of its torpedo launch tubes. Shortly after boarding the ship, their communications with CC-01/425, who was again serving as mission advisor to the squad, were mysteriously cut off. While searching through the ship, Delta Squad came across few survivors, and several members were set upon by scavenger droids, including Scorch, who was ambushed and incapacitated by the droids. Shortly after, the squad found that the Prosecutor has been attacked by Trandoshan slavers and mercenaries when Sev was captured at the starboard data core, and Boss forced to flee into the ship's maintenance shafts. Boss and Fixer were able to complete their original objectives, battling through heavily armed and armored Trandoshan mercenaries and the ship's very own autoturret defenses that had been sliced by the Trandoshans, before rendezvousing and proceeding to rescue Sev. Once Sev was free of the violent interrogation from his Trandoshan captors, the incomplete squad moved to retrieve Scorch from where he was being held in the Prosecutor's detention area. After a brief skirmish in the detention area, Delta Squad was able to locate and revive an incapacitated Scorch, and together make their way to the bridge where they destroyed a Confederacy jamming device and re-established communication with their advisor. After scanning the assault ship, CC-01/425 was able to determine that a Trandoshan dropship had touched down in one of the Prosecutor's hangar bays. Delta Squad proceeded to head toward the hangar, but a booby-trapped turbolift left Delta stuck back in the ship's detention area and under attack by Trandoshan mercenaries. Repairing the cell block's damaged systems, Delta Squad was able to trigger the detention area into lockdown, flooding the area with noxious gas that neutralized the Trandoshans while sparing the commandos who were safe inside their sealed Katarn-class armor. The squad escaped the locked-down detention area into a garbage pit, and moved on to the hangar where they successfully used the Trandoshans' own rocket turret to destroy the dropship. Unfortunately for the commandos of Delta Squad, a Lucrehulk-class battleship had entered the system and was rapidly approaching the Prosecutor. While their advisor called for assistance, Delta Squad was charged with repelling the droid boarding parties and sealing the assault ship's hangars. By the time Delta Squad reached the final hangar, it was heavily overrun with droids and therefore the commandos commandeered the roof-mounted mass-driver cannon of an AT-TE walker to deal with the overwhelming droid threat. Although the Confederacy had initially been interested in obtaining the Republic warship from the Trandoshans in exchange for battle droids, following these losses, the battleship instead opened fire on the Prosecutor, intent on destroying it before reinforcements could arrive. In an attempt to hold off the battleship, Delta Squad struggled to get the Prosecutor's turbolaser battery array back online amidst a continuing assault from droid forces already onboard. Reinforcements would come in the form of Republic Navy Captain Talbot and the RAS Arrestor, the only Republic force to respond to CC-01/425's calls for assistance. Between the combined strength of the Arrestor and Prosecutor—even as the latter's hull integrity was compromised—the Conferacy droid control ship was destroyed, shutting down the battle droids aboard the Prosecutor, and saving both the ship and the lives of Delta Squad. For their actions aboard the Prosecutor, Delta Squad would be commended by High Jedi General Mace Windu, and the data gathered by the commandos would help the Wookiees to curb the efforts of Trandoshan slavers in the Kashyyyk system.

    RC-1138 "Boss"

    "Alone against all these droids...heh, they don't stand a chance." ―Boss Main article: Boss (clone commando) Boss was Delta Squad's leader. Holding the rank of sergeant, Boss had earned both the respect and loyalty of his squad, and in return he did his all to be a strong and effective leader. Relatively taciturn, Boss was not a man of many words, and much of what he did say came in the form of orders issued to the other members of Delta Squad. Interestingly enough, despite being raised and trained by Cuy'val Dar sergeant Walon Vau, Boss would come to speak with Jango Fett's own Concord Dawn accent and speech patterns—though this trait was common to the flash-learned standard clone troops, as well. Boss cared a great deal for his squad, and like most other clone commandos, viewed his squadmates as brothers.

    RC-1140 "Fixer"

    "Sir, you realize this is against recommended protocols." ―Fixer Main article: RC-1140 RC-1140, or "Fixer" to his comrades, was the acknowledged second-in-command of Delta Squad, and was a soldier who believed in doing his job by the book. Fixer was the squad's expert in all things technological, and was justly the squad's go-to man for slicing and code-breaking. Gruff in his demeanor, and a serious no-nonsense type of person, Fixer had a habit of calling his squadmates by their numerical designations rather than their chosen nicknames. Fixer often took it upon himself to curtail the playful teasing of his squadmates Sev and Scorch while in the field, though he would occasionally engage in the verbal sparring during down time.

    RC-1207 "Sev"

    "In order to achieve maximum combat efficiency, some guys say they need to get in the zone. Sir, I live in the zone." ―Sev Main article: Sev RC-1207, who drew upon his designation's final digit to don the name "Sev", was Delta Squad's most skilled sniper and perhaps its fiercest fighter. Sev enjoyed combat, and decorated his commando armor with blood-red markings that not everyone could tell whether it was paint or real blood. Sev possessed a grim sense of humor and a powerful drive to succeed, believing that any failure of his would be letting his training sergeant, Walon Vau, down and disappointing him. Though he deeply respected and revered Vau, Sev also felt a sense of jealously toward the commandos who had been trained by Kal Skirata, who treated his trainees as though they were his sons. A common joke among the rest of Delta Squad was that Sev was a bit of a psychopath, even teasing that his cloning tank had been spiked during gestation. Sev kept a count of every Geonosian that he killed during the course of the Clone Wars, intending to reach a goal of 4,982—the number of clone commandos killed during the Battle of Geonosis, for which Sev intended to take revenge.

    "You know, I gotta thank whoever designed this Katarn-class armor for us. It's great stuff. But obviously, they never thought we'd need to sit down. Ouch."


    Delta Squad first appeared in the 2005 Star Wars video game, Star Wars: Republic Commando. The squad would make subsequent appearances in the Republic and Imperial Commando series of novels by author Karen Traviss, beginning with the second entry in the series, Republic Commando: Triple Zero, in which Delta joined the main story immediately after the second mission undertaken in the original game. Delta Squad would continue to feature in Traviss' subsequent Republic Commando novels True Colors and Order 66, along with the first and currently only Imperial Commando novel, Imperial Commando: 501st.

    The events of Delta Squad's mission to Kashyyyk differ in their portrayal from the video game to Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel. In the novel, Delta's advisor is left out entirely, with his role filled by Jedi General Etain Tur-Mukan and later General Quinlan Vos' Forward Air Controller. There are also a number of other small changes ranging from dialogue, to courses of action taken by Delta Squad's commandos. This article takes steps to reconcile the differences whenever possible, with Order 66 taking preference when a compromise is not possible, as it is the more recent source.

    An action figure of Scorch was made by Hasbro in early 2006 and, along with Foul Moudama, marked a tentative exploration of Expanded Universe characters. Scorch was short-packed and sold out quickly, making him hard to find and highly sought-after. At Comic-Con 2006, it was announced that the rest of Delta Squad would be turned into action figures as a set of four along with three Geonosian warriors. The seven-figure set was exclusive to in the Fall of 2006. Subsequently a new smaller set with all 4 Commandos and a Geonosian Warrior was released first as a Comic-Con/Internet exclusive, and as a Toys 'R' Us exclusive in August.

    At one point during the game, Delta-62 will exclaim, "That was for Delta-23...or was it 32?", indicating a potential friendship with a fallen member of a fellow "Delta"-designated unit.

    •Star Wars: Republic Commando (First appearance)

    ••••Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Witches of the Mist"

    •Star Wars: Republic Commando: Prima Official Game Guide

    ••Star Wars: The Best of 2005 - Clone Mania on (content now obsolete; backup link)

    •Star Wars: The Saga Collection (Pack: Republic Commando Delta Squad) (backup link)

    •Star Wars: The Saga Collection (Pack: Scorch (Republic Commando)) (backup link)

    ••"Blood Feud!" — Star Wars Insider 124

    •Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Three

    1.Star Wars: Episode II 7.Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Witches of the Mist"


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  4. Stream 'Commando Squad' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story...

  5. An American narcotics agent takes her squad to Mexico, where she must break up a drug-smuggling gang that has also kidnapped her boyfriend.

  6. Commando Squad (1987) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.