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  1. The Hebrew word "tola'ath" in Psalm 22:6 means a crimson worm, a type of grub that dies on a tree. Learn how this worm foreshadows the crucifixion of Jesus, who was a man and a worm on the cross.

  2. THE CRIMSON OR SCARLET WORM (coccus ilicis) It is not until you begin to study the characteristics and the life cycle of the Crimson or Scarlet Worm that you begin to see the tremendous truth revealed by Scripture. The Crimson Worm is common to the region of old Israel.

  3. The 'scarlet worm' or 'tola' is a red insect that produces a permanent dye for the tabernacle and temple. It also symbolizes the atonement of sins by the blood of Messiah on a tree, as revealed in Isaiah 1:18 and Psalm 22.

  4. This scarlet worm, when it comes time to give birth, will climb and attach itself to the trunk of a tree, forming a hard shell. Within the shell it lays its eggs and dies, staining both the tree and the young worms with a crimson fluid.

  5. CRIMSON WORM, biblical tola'at shani (Heb. תּוֹלַעַת שָׁנִי), which yields a dye, called in the Bible shani, tola, karmil, and in rabbinic literature zehorit, which was extracted from the body of the "crimson worm" (carmine), the Kermes biblicus.

  6. Sep 13, 2022 · The “worm” in question is usually identified as the Coccus ilicis, an insect that was used in ancient times to make scarlet dye. When a female “scarlet worm” is ready to have young, it permanently attaches itself to the trunk of a tree and lays its eggs.

  7. Apr 21, 2021 · The Scarlet Worm Testifies of the Death, Burial and Resurrection. This story of the crimson worm originates in Psalms 22 where David prophesied of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. Psalms 22:6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people.