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  1. The Bible warns that sin's pleasure is only for a season and leads to destruction. Learn from the parable of the prodigal son how to repent and return to God's love and grace.

  2. Find biblical references and quotes on the topic of pleasures of sin, a term that describes the temporary and harmful benefits of sinning. Compare different translations and perspectives on how to resist and overcome sin.

  3. 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Read full chapter

  4. Jul 28, 2023 · The Bible talks about the pleasures of sin. But it also shows us that sin is incredibly deceptive (Hebrews 3:12; Jeremiah 17:19). We don’t always experience all the consequences straight away but they’re coming (Romans 6:23).

  5. Apr 9, 2015 · Hebrews 11 calls us to look to God’s people who have gone before us to learn how to walk by faith. In this lab, John Piper highlights the life of Moses, who preferred the reward he had with God more than all the riches of Egypt.

  6. This web page provides various commentaries on the biblical verse Hebrews 11:25, which describes Moses' choice to join the Israelites in their affliction rather than enjoy the passing pleasures of sin. The commentaries explain the meaning, context, and application of the verse, and compare it with other biblical passages.

  7. This verse quotes Moses' choice to endure hardship with God's people rather than enjoy the passing pleasures of sin. It also provides various translations, cross references, and context for this verse.