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  1. Honda Masanobu (本多 正信, 1538 – July 20, 1616) was a commander and daimyō in the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu in Japan during the Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo periods. In 1563, when an uprising against Ieyasu occurred in Mikawa Province, Masanobu took the side of the peasants against Ieyasu at Battle of Batogahara.

  2. Among the vassals who helped Ieyasu unify the country, there was a military commander who was said to have a ``friend'' relationship, Masanobu Honda. Masanobu Honda was born in Mikawa Province and was a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu, but once served under Ieyasu.

  3. Sep 14, 2023 · Masanobu Honda was a devout follower of the Ikko sect who joined the Mikawa Ikki uprising against Ieyasu, but later returned and became his trusted aide. He participated in the Battle of Sekigahara and the Siege of Osaka, and died in 1616 after Ieyasu.

  4. Apr 2, 2024 · Honda Masanobu is presented to us in the Shogun TV show as Kashigi Yabushige. Masanobu existed in the tumultuous era of the Sengoku period, marked by fierce Samurai Lords competing for...

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  5. › wiki › Honda_clanHonda clan - Wikipedia

    Arguably the most famous member of the Honda clan was the 16th century samurai general Honda Shigetsugu and Honda Tadakatsu. Two of the major branches of the clan claim descent from Tadakatsu, or his close relative Honda Masanobu .

  6. Sep 4, 2016 · Born: 1539. Died: 1617. Title: Sado no Kami. Japanese: 本多 正信 (Honda Masanobu) Masanobu was originally an attendant to Tokugawa Ieyasu, then became a retainer of Sakai Shogen, a militant ecclesiast lord of Ueno - this made him an enemy of Ieyasu, who opposed the Mikawa monto.

  7. › wiki › 本多正信本多正信 - Wikipedia

    本多 正信 (ほんだ まさのぶ)は、 戦国時代 から 江戸時代 前期の 武将 ・ 大名 。 徳川家康 の家臣で、 江戸幕府 の 老中 。 相模国 玉縄藩 主。 正信系本多家宗家初代。 父祖以来、 徳川氏 に仕えるが、 三河一向一揆 に与して鎮圧後に三河を出奔。 後に許されて家康のもとへ帰参し、江戸開府後は家康、次いで2代将軍・ 徳川秀忠 の側近として幕政の中枢にあり権勢を振るった。 生涯. 反逆から流浪. ウィキソースに 昔日北花録 の原文「加州一揆退治の事」があります。 天文 7年( 1538年 )、 本多俊正 の次男として 三河国 で生まれ、 徳川家康 に仕えた [1] 。