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  1. Marie Aimée de Rohan (December 1600 – 12 August 1679) was a French courtier and political activist, famed for being the center of many of the intrigues of the first half of the 17th century in France. In various sources, she is often known simply as Madame de Chevreuse . Early life.

  2. Marie Aimée de Rohan, plus connue sous son titre de duchesse de Chevreuse (décembre 1600-12 août 1679), fille d'Hercule de Rohan-Guéméné, duc de Montbazon, et de Madeleine de Lenoncourt, est une femme de la noblesse française réputée surtout pour son grand charme et ses nombreuses intrigues politiques.

  3. Marie de Rohan-Montbazon, duchess de Chevreuse (born December 1600—died August 12, 1679, Gagny, France) was a French princess, a tireless participant in the conspiracies against the ministerial government during Louis XIII’s reign (1610–43) and the regency (1643–51) for Louis XIV.

  4. Marie de Rohan-Montbazon Chevreuse, duchesse de (märē´ də rōäN´-môNbäzôN´ düshĕs´ də shəvröz´), 1600–1679, French beauty and politician, an intimate of the French queen, Anne of Austria.

  5. Considered one of the most engaging women of her day, Marie de Rohan-Montbazon was born in 1600, the daughter of Hercule de Rohan, duke of Montbazon. In 1617, she married Charles d'Albert, duke of Luynes, who died four years later. She then married Claude de Lorraine, duke of Chevreuse.

  6. Lady-in-waiting and confidant to France's queen, Anne of Austria, Marie de Rohan, duchess of Chevreuse (1600–1679), traveled between two enemy kingdoms: Spain and France. After a failed conspiracy against Louis XIII, the duchess abandoned France and moved to Spain in 1637 and years later to Brussels, the court of the Spanish Netherlands.

  7. Marie Louise de Rohan (Marie Louise Geneviève; 7 January 1720 – 4 March 1803), also known as Madame de Marsan, was the governess of Louis XVI of France and his siblings. She was an influential figure of the French court and a driving force of the Dévots and the conservative fraction of the court nobility.

  8. An energetic noblewoman, active in unsuccessful intrigues against Richelieu and Mazarin, including the Fronde. She was a possible model for Émilie in Cinna. From: Chevreuse, Marie de Rohan, duchesse de in The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French ». Subjects: Literature.